Calibration Test: What is it?

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Calibration tests ensure that devices conform to standards and work properly. They can be done on-site or in a laboratory, and calibration test kits are available. Calibration is important for accurate results and is required by government agencies for certain devices, such as gas station pumps. Reasons for calibration testing include new devices, periodic testing, sensitive activities, faulty devices, and after repairs or shocks.

A calibration test is a procedure in which a tool, instrument or device is tested to confirm that it conforms to the standard. Calibration is very important, as it ensures that objects work properly. There are a variety of reasons for conducting a calibration test, ranging from worrying that something isn’t working as it should to preparing for an event where you want a very precise calibration, and there are several ways to perform a calibration.

In some cases, people can conduct their own calibration tests. For example, a supermarket might check its scales for accuracy every week with an object of known weight. Market employees zero the scale, place the item on the scale and take a reading before zeroing the scale again and weighing a second time. For completeness, several weights would be tested, to confirm that the scale can handle a range of weights. If inaccuracies have been identified, the scales should be repaired, adjusted or replaced. Calibration test kits are available for many common tools and instruments so that people can do their own equipment calibration.

In other cases, instrument calibration cannot be performed on site and instruments may need to be sent in for calibration. Some types of calibration are very delicate and require specialized equipment and skills that are only available in a laboratory. Sending devices for a calibration test can be tricky, as it’s important to package and transport devices securely so they are not damaged in transit to or from a facility where calibration takes place.

Any device designed to weigh or measure can undergo calibration, from the equipment inside a gas station’s pumps that indicates how much fuel has been pumped to delicate scientific instruments used in meteorology. In all cases, calibration testing involves using an instrument known to be correct for comparison, or using an object of known specifications to determine if a device is functioning properly.

Calibration is so important that many nations have entire government agencies responsible for confirming that certain things are calibrated correctly. For example, gas stations usually have to undergo periodic inspections by government officials who will verify that their pumps are accurate. The scientific community also appreciates calibration tests, as errors in calibration could invalidate or confuse the results.

Some reasons for requesting a calibration test include: the need to test a new device, periodic testing recommended after certain periods of time or amount of use, testing to check a device to confirm it is accurate before being used in a sensitive activity , testing to check a device that appears to be faulty, or testing after a device has received a shock or been repaired to confirm that it is still working properly.

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