No two people can have the same fingerprints. As far as forensic science has been able to determine, not even identical twins have exactly matching footprints. This helps to make fingerprint analysis still one of the main means of identifying people involved in a crime.
While fingerprints may not be identical, they can actually be very similar. Identical twins, for example, will have fingerprints that may appear identical to the naked eye. Indeed, some characteristics may be the result of genetics. Thus it may be possible to identify family ties in advance by examining the fingerprints of immediate family members.
This is especially true if the parents have similar fingerprints. Similarities between children can therefore occur quite regularly. Some families like to buy a fingerprint kit and compare those of family members. This work makes a great science project for elementary or secondary school students.
When people hear the word fingerprint, they mostly think of fingers. However, the term can also refer to the distinct and unique patterns formed on the toes. Again, these patterns have never been found identical even in twins.
While fingerprints are likely to prove exceptionally unique, fingerprint evidence is often of secondary importance when DNA evidence can be found. DNA is often referred to as a person’s genetic fingerprints, because it is also different for each person. This type of evidence examines the subtle differences between collected and suspect samples. It can quickly rule out or rule out the presence of the possibility that a person is responsible for a crime.
Often, fingerprints on furniture or walls may simply prove a person’s presence at a crime scene and not necessarily the person’s presence at the time of the crime. However, some DNA evidence, such as that collected from a rape kit, can positively identify a person as the only one who may have committed a crime. When forensic inspectors can obtain both types of evidence, a case is even easier.