A capacitor voltage transformer (CVT) is used in high voltage circuits as a metering device and to protect specific parts of the circuit. It increases the input signal and reduces it to a level within the circuit’s parameters. A CCVT is a more expensive version that can handle higher amounts of input signal and distribute smaller amounts to multiple locations. The basic construction consists of two capacitors and four terminals, and the transformer serves to lower the input signal before dispersing it among the circuit’s delicate elements.
A CVT, or capacitor voltage transformer, is a transformer circuit used in high voltage applications. The capacitor voltage transformer is used as a means of providing a low voltage filtered signal to the protected relay portions of the connected electrical circuit. These transformers are primarily used within high voltage circuits as metering devices and as a means of protecting specific parts of the circuit.
The main function of a capacitor voltage transformer is to systematically increase the amount of signal it receives at the input. It reduces this signal to an amount that is within the parameters set by the smallest components in the circuit. These metrics are usually meters or other measuring devices that are used to record the amount of signal received and emitted through the circuit as a whole.
Another form of capacitor voltage transformer is one that is connected or run in sequence with something called a capacitance coupled voltage transformer, or CCVT. These types of transformers are used in the same way, however they are capable of handling much higher amounts of input signal. They are also capable of distributing the smaller amounts of output signal to multiple locations within the circuit simultaneously.
These coupled capacitors are used much more sparingly, as their design incurs a higher cost. They often turn out to be uneconomical for the function they perform. In general, this means that a CCVT is typically not plugged into any circuit that processes less than 100 kilovolts.
The basic construction of a capacitor voltage transformer consists of two different capacitors and four main terminals. The first capacitor is actually a large sequence of smaller capacitors that have been run in sequence. This allows for even distribution of the signal through the circuit, as well as rapid decrease in input signal strength. The four main terminals are an input and a ground terminal and at least two output terminals used to connect the transformer to hardware or protected circuits.
The two capacitor units are used to step down and divide the amount of input signal that is applied to them. They are then connected to an inductive element which is used as a means of tuning the signal to the desired frequency for the correct output terminals, after it has passed through a transformer. The transformer serves to lower the input signal further after splitting it, before the signal is dispersed among the more delicate elements of the high voltage circuit.
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