Car assembly line process?

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Auto assembly lines install parts onto a moving vehicle chassis in a specific order, allowing the vehicle to be rolled away from the plant. Invented by Henry Ford, it lowers the cost of mass-produced products. Special departments install the engine, transmission, interior, doors, and tires. Final assembly puts gas in the vehicle and checks for missing components before driving it off the line.

An automobile assembly line is a place where automobiles are assembled from many small components and parts. Typically divided into several component areas, auto assembly line workers install parts onto a moving vehicle chassis in a specific order. This allows the vehicle to begin its journey on the assembly line as a bare frame and end its journey on the assembly line by being rolled away from the plant. Every single vehicle component is installed on the vehicle as it is in motion on the car assembly line. Most manufacturing plants produce between 60 and 100 cars per hour on a typical assembly line.

Invented by Henry Ford, the auto assembly line made it possible to build a vehicle like the Model T at much lower cost than a similar vehicle built by a single worker. This theory has been shown to work so well that nearly every type of mass-produced product made in manufacturing plants around the world today is made on an assembly line. Special departments, such as the transmission department, are responsible for installing the engine and transmission into a vehicle that travels down the auto assembly line. Other departments typically found on an auto assembly line are the interior, door line, and tire departments. When the vehicle passes a worker’s specific work area, there is a specific time allotted to that work station to complete the installation procedure.

While each station along the car assembly line is important, there are some difficulties that require a vehicle to be removed from the line and taken to the repair area. This also creates a problem on the line as all the components designed to be installed are oriented towards a specific vehicle traveling on the line. When a vehicle is retired from the line, all stations on the line must remove the component dedicated to that specific vehicle in order to be adequately stocked with parts for fitting the next vehicle on the line.

One of the last stops on the car assembly line is called final assembly. This department puts gas in the vehicle and checks the vehicle for any missing components. Once the vehicle has been checked and verified that all assembly has been completed on the vehicle, a worker starts the vehicle and drives it off the car assembly line and into a parking area. This happens nearly 100 times per eight-hour shift at most automotive assembly plants around the world.

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