To succeed in advertising, a good education is essential, including courses in accounting, design, marketing, psychology, and statistics. An internship can also enhance your career prospects. Communication skills, problem-solving, and creativity are important, as is knowledge of the job market and networking. A bachelor’s degree may not be essential for creative roles, but foreign language skills can be an advantage.
To prepare for a career in advertising, start with a good education. Many entry-level advertising jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree. In addition, it is wise to ensure that your education includes courses in accounting, creative design, marketing, psychology and statistics.
While securing a good advertising education is a start, a degree alone will not guarantee your success in finding a job or excelling in an advertising career. Instead, you should prepare yourself with more than a good college education. Securing a related internship is one way to enhance your career in advertising. In fact, many advertising companies find candidates who have completed advertising placements far more attractive than those who haven’t.
If you plan to start your advertising career in the creative department of an advertising company, a bachelor’s degree may not be as essential. Many companies hire assistant art directors with two-year degrees from art or design schools. Generally, assistant writers don’t need degrees. However, obtaining one doesn’t hurt your chances of getting a job, and it can help you acquire the kind of skills you need for a career in advertising. It’s also worth noting that some advertising companies may require more advanced degrees.
Consider your people’s skills when preparing for a career in advertising. Advertising jobs often require excellent communication skills, a lot of common sense, problem solving skills and a healthy dose of creativity. If you want to pursue your career in advertising abroad, foreign language skills are also important. In many cases, companies consider foreign language skills to be an advantage, whether or not you choose to work abroad.
Your preparation for a career in advertising should also include improving your knowledge of the job market. Do an Internet search to find out where advertising jobs are located. For example, in the United States, the bulk of advertising companies and jobs are in Chicago and New York, followed by other major cities. With this information in mind, you may discover less popular advertising job markets, entering a state where competition is less fierce.
Last but not least, don’t forget to connect to the network. Use every possible opportunity to meet people who already work in your field. These individuals may refer you to a potential employer at some point or provide tips for landing the perfect job. Local advertising clubs, advertising seminars and workshops are good places to network with others in advertising.