Carnitine is an amino acid that aids in the conversion of fatty acids into energy, but its effectiveness as a weight loss supplement is mixed. It may be more effective for those with deficient levels of carnitine. Consult a doctor before taking supplements, as different types can cause different reactions. The most common side effects are mild stomach conditions.
Carnitine and weight loss have long been linked by those who believe its fat-metabolizing properties make it an effective weight loss supplement and energy booster. Although scientific studies are mixed on whether carnitine, an amino acid and antioxidant that is naturally produced by the body, could really be called an effective weight loss supplement, it is well known that it actually aids in the conversion of fatty acids into energy. Supplemental amounts of carnitine may reduce fat content to some extent, but overall studies indicate that a good diet and exercise routine are the most proven and effective weight loss factors. The negative side effects caused by carnitine are usually mild stomach conditions, so trying it as an exercise supplement is generally not dangerous. However, there can always be exceptions, so it is advisable to consult a doctor before changing a diet.
The kidneys regulate the amount of carnitine the body produces and uses, which may be one reason why the body cannot use supplemental doses to great effect; the kidneys can simply remove what they consider to be excessive levels of carnitine. However, people whose kidneys produce a deficient amount of carnitine may see better results when combining carnitine and weight loss regimens. Those who are deficient in carnitine should probably take supplements even if they’re not trying to lose weight, since a healthy amount of amino acids is helpful in maintaining a certain level of metabolism and energy, and may also decrease the risk of a dangerous heart. conditions
Some exercise enthusiasts connect muscle building with carnitine and weight loss. Scientific studies have not ruled out that carnitine can help build muscle, but they have also not found results that overwhelmingly support the claim. If carnitine really helps burn fat and build muscle, one interesting possibility is that it could be written off as an effective weight loss supplement; muscle weighs more than fat, which means trading fat for muscle would theoretically add pounds, not shed them. Of course, there are many who would argue that gaining weight by adding some lean muscle is perfectly healthy, but I wouldn’t exactly hold to the idea that carnitine and weight loss go together.
If you are considering following a carnitine and weight loss regimen, you should first consult a medical expert. There are different types of carnitine supplements, which can cause different reactions in individuals. For example, acetyl-L-carnitine is typically used to treat mental conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, while L-carnitine is what is typically taken as a weight loss supplement. Doctors also sometimes prescribe carnitine supplements for heart conditions. People who consult their doctors can better understand which carnitine supplement is best suited for their needs. There are generally no serious negative side effects caused by carnitine; The most frequently occurring side effects are stomach cramps, diarrhea, and nausea.