How to be an electrical estimator?

Becoming an electrical estimator can be achieved through a degree in electrical engineering, experience as an electrician, or on-the-job training. Joining a professional estimator organization can provide networking and certification opportunities. There are several paths people can take to become an electrical estimator. Estimators are costing professionals: they take the parameters of a job and […]

What’s a trade effect?

Trade effect measures the impact of investments on portfolios by comparing them to industry benchmarks. It is important for investors to track their investments’ performance against others of the same type to maintain a competitive edge. Benchmarks can be chosen based on the investor’s preference, and the trade effect can be used to judge the […]

What’s an Indie Shop?

Independent stores, usually owned by individuals or families, offer personalized service and flexibility in decision-making but may have a smaller product range and higher prices. Owners face challenges in securing sales at profitable rates but can pool purchasing power through associations or cooperatives. Independent stores are businesses that either operate with a single store or […]

Oct 26th: What occurred?

The USA PATRIOT Act was signed in response to 9/11, giving law enforcement more power. Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty in 1994. The OK Corral firefight took place in 1881. King George III authorized military force to end the American Revolution in 1775. An experimental baboon heart transplant was performed in 1984. Benjamin […]

Bacteria properties?

Bacteria are small microbes found in various environments, including the human body, soil, and extreme locations like hot springs and Antarctica. They can be good or bad and help break down organic debris, create rich soil, and convert atmospheric nitrogen into nutrients for plants. Bacteria can also be used for bioremediation. Bacteria are microbes, typically […]

What’s inanition?

Starvation occurs when an individual lacks nutrients, causing exhaustion and fatigue. Nutrients aid in growth, tissue repair, and energy production. Macronutrients, minerals, and vitamins are essential for bodily functions. Starvation can result from hunger, malnutrition, or conditions like anorexia. Malnutrition can be caused by an unbalanced or inadequate diet, and poverty can lead to malnourishment. […]

Credit Specialist: Job Description

A credit specialist can either enforce a company’s credit standards or help individuals repair their credit records. They evaluate credit applications, establish credit terms and limits, and work with clients to improve their credit reports and financial health. The term credit specialist can describe two different types of jobs, the first being a worker who […]

What’s a corp. benefit?

Calculating corporate profit is important for companies, economists, and investors. There are different approaches, including operating profit, book earnings, and after-tax profit. Identifying companies with increasing profitability is important for investors. Analyzing corporate profits on a national scale can help identify economic trends and prepare for upcoming changes. Corporate profit is the net income earned […]

What are secret shopper jobs?

Secret shopper jobs evaluate businesses for clients. They are hired by secret shopping companies and are usually freelancers. Legitimate jobs don’t charge fees and pay for expenses with a small fee. The most common jobs are in retail, restaurant, and hospitality industries. Secret shopper jobs, also known as mystery shopper jobs, are a great way […]

What’s an OBE?

An out-of-body experience is when a person feels detached from their physical body but not completely disconnected from their surroundings. It can occur during periods of unconsciousness, sleep, or meditation. It is often associated with other paranormal phenomena and has a strong religious overtone. Some believe it is self-generated, while others believe the spirit can […]

What’s isokinetic sampling?

Isokinetic sampling collects particles at the same speed as the stream, increasing accuracy. It’s used for pollution monitoring and equipment checks. It can be expensive, but necessary for reliable results. Inline sampling devices and isokinetic sampling stations can be used, and qualified technicians can take readings. Isokinetic sampling collects particles in a moving stream that […]

How to become an Assayer?

Analyzers analyze precious metals, ores, and other geological materials to locate, mine, and extract minerals. A degree in chemistry or geology can be helpful, and internships and good decision-making skills are also important. Analyzers can work in various settings and may start their own consulting business or pursue a postgraduate degree. Analyzers are laboratory technicians […]

Motivation and job performance: any link?

Motivation and job performance are linked, with financial incentives, promotions, and recognition among the factors that motivate employees. Managers use research-based approaches to match employees’ needs with their job performance, but some argue that motivation must come from the employee. Performance issues can still occur even with highly motivated employees. Motivation and job performance are […]

What’s the fest?

Festivus, a holiday created by Dan O’Keefe’s father, gained popularity after being featured in a Seinfeld episode. Traditions include an undecorated aluminum pole and airing grievances, with feats of strength ending the holiday. Celebrants have added their own touches and products referencing Festivus are available. Festivus is an unusual made-up holiday that gained considerable attention […]

Sep 16th: What occurred?

The Mayflower sailed to Virginia but landed in Massachusetts due to storms. The Oklahoma land rush saw settlers claim Native American land. President Ford offered amnesty to Vietnam War draft dodgers. The Montreal Protocol aimed to protect the ozone layer. Gandhi fasted to protest British class policies. A car bomb on Wall Street killed 38 […]

Mar 15th: What occurred?

Johnson signed a bill granting equal voting rights (1965), Caesar was assassinated (44 BC), South Carolina declared independence (1776), the first “.com” domain was registered (1984), Tsar Nicholas II abdicated (1917), Washington stopped a rebellion (1783), Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton married (1964), Charles II issued a religious freedom declaration (1672), The Godfather opened (1972), […]

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