Was King Charles VI of France insane?

King Charles VI of France had psychotic episodes throughout his life, which may have been caused by schizophrenia or encephalitis. He was kind when himself, but paranoid and aggressive during episodes, even killing. He died at 53, ruling France for 42 years. To meet the legal definition of insanity in most countries, a person must […]

Cust.-Based Brand Equity: Definition?

Customer-based brand equity (CBBE) assesses a brand’s value in the minds of customers, with equity being the sum of values associated with a brand. The CBBE model defines a hierarchy of customer impressions arranged in pyramid-shaped tiers, including salience, performance, images, meaning, judgments, feelings, and resonance. The model aims to create a more connected customer […]

What’s clientelism?

Cronyism is when political officials and businessmen show preference to friends for positions of power, regardless of skill level. Nepotism involves preference for relatives. Cronyism can weaken those in power and lead to other forms of corruption. It can also cost shareholders or taxpayers when contracts are unfairly awarded. Cronyism is a form of bribery […]

What is the Infinite Monkey Theorem?

The Infinite Monkey Theorem suggests that given infinite time, a monkey typing randomly will eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare. However, the probability of this happening is extremely low. The theory has flaws, as monkeys cannot type at random, and Shakespeare’s work was too prolific to be produced entirely at random. The theory is […]

Did Martha Stewart become a billionaire in prison?

Martha Stewart became a billionaire in 2005 while in prison for obstruction of justice, as shares in her company soared over 90%. She transferred her shares to her daughter before conviction, but retained ownership. After her release, the value of her company’s stock dropped 40%, and she lost her billionaire status. Prior to her media […]

What’s Universal Healthcare?

Universal healthcare ensures access to medical services for all citizens or residents. Germany was the first to achieve nationwide coverage in the 1880s, while every wealthy, industrialized nation except the US offers some form of universal healthcare. The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) is fully covered by tax revenues, while other systems may provide for […]

What are growth stocks?

Growth stocks are sold by new companies with high profits to raise capital for further growth. Investors who buy growth stocks expect long-term returns and are willing to take risks. Growth companies experience unexpected growth and are attractive to investors, especially in the technology industry. Investing in growth stocks is considered risky and suitable only […]

Types of performance appraisal methods?

Different performance appraisal methods include MBO, graphical rating scale, and essay. The method chosen depends on the organization’s needs and goals. MBO aligns employees with corporate goals, graphical rating scale evaluates specific behaviors, and essays provide a thorough evaluation if done correctly. Choosing the wrong method can result in reduced morale and high costs. Different […]

What’s Happy Hour?

Bars face the challenge of attracting customers during off-peak hours. Happy hour offers discounted drinks, free appetizers, and special promotions to attract professionals and shift workers. The origin of the term is unclear. One of the biggest challenges any establishment faces is attracting customers, especially during the off-peak hours of the late afternoon and early […]

What’s SuperWrite?

SuperWrite is a shorthand system for transcription and note-taking that involves removing vowels and creating abbreviations from consonants. It is commonly used in business and education, with courses available at high school and college levels. The system includes specific symbols and capital letters with alternate meanings. Completing a course can lead to a SuperWrite master […]

Did Hemingway Fear Spies?

Ernest Hemingway was a successful novelist, winning a Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea. Mentored by Gertrude Stein, he suffered from mental and physical issues later in life, leading to his suicide. He was also known for his adventurous spirit and multiple marriages. Ernest Hemingway is considered one of the greatest 20th […]

What’s a mucinous adenoma?

Mucinous adenomas produce mucus and can appear in various organs, including the pancreas, kidneys, appendix, uterus, ovaries, bile ducts, and lungs. They can cause blockages and require surgical removal. Some may be borderline cancerous and require biopsy for confirmation. Mucinous adenomas are a type of tumor that produces and secretes mucus. While they’re typically benign, […]

Web Strategist: What’s Their Role?

A web strategist oversees a company’s internet presence, working with marketing strategies and managing teams to develop campaigns, websites, and online marketing programs. They handle budgeting and report to higher-level managers to ensure profitability and relevance. A web strategist typically works for or with a company to conceive, develop, and oversee how that company establishes […]

What’s a price channel?

A price channel is a charting tool that helps identify price trends and direction, allowing marketers and manufacturers to develop strategies to tailor prices to changing circumstances. The channel is formed by identifying two demarcation lines, with the direction depending on the relationship between supply and demand. Investors can use the channel to buy and […]

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