What’s scripophily?

Scripophily is the study and collection of old stocks and bonds, with many collectors interested in the aesthetic and historical value of documents from the 19th and early 20th centuries. While many stocks and bonds are now issued electronically, there are still opportunities for collectors to study and collect historical documents. International and regional scripophile […]

What’s a Sr. Purchasing Manager’s role?

A senior purchasing manager oversees a company’s procurement process, establishing policies and procedures for purchasing goods and services from authorized vendors. They are responsible for identifying the company’s purchasing needs, developing sources of supply, negotiating contracts, and evaluating supplier performance. A senior purchasing manager oversees a company’s purchasing process. It defines the policies and procedures […]

Types of rhetoric?

Aristotle identified three types of rhetoric: ethos, logos, and pathos. Ethos appeals to the credibility or ethical standing of the speaker, logos is based on factual statements or logical conclusions, and pathos appeals to emotions. These three types are still used today in persuasion by speakers, writers, artists, and advertisers. Rhetoric is the art of […]

Who’s Jean-Paul Sartre?

Jean-Paul Sartre was a French philosopher, writer, and playwright known for his existentialist theories and their connection to social and political struggle. He studied philosophy at École Normale Supérieure and taught at Le Havre and Lycée Pasteur in Paris. Sartre believed in man’s freedom and the need for solidarity with others. His most famous works […]

What’s an idyll?

Idylls are idealized poems, images, and music that romanticize rural peasant life, particularly shepherds. The term comes from the Greek word eidyllion and was popular during the Romantic period. Theocritus wrote some of the earliest idylls, and the subject often includes the concept of the “noble savage.” Famous writers of idylls include Goethe, Leopardi, Tennyson, […]

Navy chaplain’s role?

Navy chaplains offer spiritual advice and comfort to members of the Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines. They must be ordained members of the clergy or recognized religious officials and demonstrate strong moral and ethical codes. They lead non-denominational or denomination-specific services, provide counseling, and can perform weddings and other rituals. They are also active on […]

What’s a typical loss?

Normal loss is an expected loss that occurs during business operations, such as evaporation or non-compliant products. Companies may sell inferior products as second quality to recover some investment. Normal loss is a classification of loss that occurs during the routine course of a business operation. Losses of this type are anticipated and often result […]

Cert. of Dissolution: What is it?

A certificate of dissolution is a legal document that closes a business and is required by many governmental jurisdictions. It certifies that all liabilities have been discharged and assets have been distributed to shareholders. The certificate confirms that the business no longer exists and all legal actions have been taken. A certificate of dissolution is […]

What’s a source text?

A source text can refer to the original version of a literary work, primary sources for historians, contemporary evidence for journalists, or raw text for computer programs. Translations and edits alter the meaning of literary works, while historians critically analyze sources for biases. Journalists use vetted sources, and computer programs format raw text data. A […]

What’s a man’s man?

A man’s man engages in traditionally masculine activities and earns respect from other men, but changing gender roles have led to a redefinition of manhood. Such men pride themselves on being practical, tough, and logical, and may prefer self-sufficiency. Some find this culture off-putting, while others view it as a prime example of how to […]

What are locomotion skills?

Locomotor skills involve bodily movements that generate overall body movement through space. Walking, running, jumping, and hopping are essential for normal development. Effective implementation requires awareness of surroundings and social considerations. Physical therapy can help those with disabilities or injuries, while athletes can improve through deliberate practice. Locomotor skills are skills related to bodily movements […]

What’s a completion bonus?

Completion bonds ensure projects are completed even if the owner runs out of funds. They are common in mortgages for large construction projects and in the production of major motion pictures, protecting both the mortgagor and mortgagee from financial reversals. The completion bond prevents investors from losing funds and protects project initiators from unforeseen circumstances. […]

Intl. biz ethics: what’s involved?

International business ethics involves applying moral principles and integrity in conducting business globally. While ethical principles are generally universal, cultural and religious considerations can cause variations. It is important for businessmen and women to apply an acceptable moral code when conducting business abroad to avoid legal implications and ethical violations. International business ethics is a […]

What’s the meaning of “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”?

Beauty is subjective, with each individual having their own definition. Research suggests that human standards for beauty may be genetic, but poets and painters argue that inner beauty enhances outer appearance. The Golden Ratio has been used to judge human beauty, with faces and waist-to-hip ratios conforming closest to the ratio being found more attractive. […]

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