What’s Abstract Poetry?

Abstract poetry uses words for their sounds rather than their meanings, creating unique and memorable experiences. It developed in the 19th and 20th centuries, influenced by artists like TS Eliot and Edith Sitwell. The concept has influenced later generations of poets and became part of the larger trend of abstract art. Cummings’ work could also […]

What’s a Combined Report?

The combined ratio is a tool used to determine an insurance company’s profitability by calculating losses and expenses incurred divided by premium earned. A ratio of 100% or less indicates profitability. Monitoring the ratio is important for both the company and its clients, as a ratio of 100% or more indicates financial trouble. Insurers often […]

What’s social perception?

Social perception is the ability to create an impression or judgment of individuals or social groups through observing and understanding existing information. It can be influenced by biases, non-verbal communication, and the halo effect, and can greatly determine an individual’s actions. Social perception is a term in social psychology that defines an individual’s ability to […]

What’s an energy engineer’s job?

Energy engineers develop new renewable energy sources, work with government agencies and companies, and aim to create energy with minimal environmental impact. They also find ways to make energy use more efficient, including developing management strategies and creating energy-efficient mechanisms. They are involved in the development of LEED buildings and products such as solar panels […]

What’s a tough query?

A hard inquiry is when an institution requests an individual’s credit report to evaluate their creditworthiness, which is recorded on the credit report. Excessive hard inquiries can negatively impact credit scores. Existing creditors may also generate hard inquiries, but they don’t necessarily indicate concern. It’s important to review credit reports annually and investigate unfamiliar inquiries […]

Types of pet franchises?

Pet franchises offer a variety of services, including pet sitting, grooming, day care, selling pets and pet supplies. Some franchises focus on providing gourmet pet foods, while others sell exotic pets or pet supplies. There are many types of pet franchises that one person can open. Among the most common are those that provide pet […]

What’s Biopower?

Michel Foucault coined the term biopower to describe how states exercise control over their citizens. This is achieved through statistics, probabilities, and eugenics. Biopower can be used for the good of the state, but it can also justify extreme actions such as genocide. Foucault’s theories should not be taken literally and are complex. French philosopher […]

Cont. Trading: definition?

Continuous trading allows for immediate execution of stock purchases, increasing speed and flexibility for investors. Market and limit orders can be used, but placing multiple small orders can increase costs. Most trading in the US is done through continuous trading systems. Continuous trading refers to the process by which a stock purchase is made and […]

What’s Pulse Rate?

Pulse rate measures the number of times an artery pulses in one minute, indicating a heartbeat. It provides important information about overall health and can be taken at the wrist or throat. An unusually low or high heart rate can indicate health problems, and heart rate monitors can provide constant information to medical providers. Pulse […]

What’s a parole lawyer’s job?

A parole attorney helps clients prepare for and navigate parole hearings, and may also represent them as defense attorneys. They specialize in the specific laws and systems governing parole in their state, and can help clients understand the restrictions and rules of their parole. A parole attorney works with someone who is facing a parole […]

What’s a market letter?

A market letter is a publication that provides timely information about market conditions, investment news, and tips for investors. It can be prepared by brokers or independent analysts and may focus on a specific type of investment or market. The content typically includes news, commentary, and buying/selling tips. Market letters are available in both print […]

What’s TCO?

Total cost of ownership (TCO) is the full cost of an asset, including acquisition, maintenance, repairs, and associated costs. TCO is commonly used in the automotive and technology industries, and individuals should analyze TCO for major purchases. TCO for information technology can be up to four times the initial cost, and associated costs such as […]

What’s satire for?

Satire aims to bring about moral or political change through critical humor, often using exaggeration. It differs from parody, which primarily aims to make people laugh. Satire can be found in various artistic mediums, including horror films and political cartoons, and is often used to explore current issues. The general aim of satire is usually […]

What’s a Death Eater in Harry Potter?

The Harry Potter novels explore the battle between good and evil, personified by Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort. Voldemort’s followers, the Death Eaters, are a hand-picked group of witches and wizards who commit acts of terror on his behalf. They wear black robes, masks, and a mark of the Dark Mark on their arm. It […]

Best evaluation software: how to choose?

Business valuation software provides data for understanding a company’s value, with important considerations being ease of use, compatibility with the business model, financial forecasting, and reporting functions. Accurate reports require more complex programs. Financial forecasting helps investors understand a business’s direction. Graphical reporting is important for presentations. Whether intending to sell a business, merge with […]

What’s Intestinal Pneumatosis?

Pneumatosis intestinalis is the presence of gas in the mucous lining of the intestines, often indicating gastrointestinal disorders or pulmonary obstruction. Treatment depends on the underlying cause, and regular checkups are important. In newborns, it can be associated with necrotizing enterocolitis, which can be fatal if not treated immediately. Pneumatosis intestinalis is a condition in […]

How to be an agronomist?

To become an agronomist, one needs a bachelor’s degree in agricultural science or a related field. High school students can start by taking math and science classes and attending entry-level courses at a college. Internships and research opportunities can provide valuable experience. A master’s degree is recommended for those interested in research. Professional certification requires […]

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