A chronic dry cough can be caused by lung disease, medication, or moving to a dry climate. It’s important to see a doctor for evaluation and treatment, which may include switching medications, using a humidifier, or quitting smoking.
A chronic dry cough can be caused by a number of factors, from lung disease to medications. A persistent cough should be evaluated, as it could be a sign of a medical problem, as well as being irritating to the patient. When you go to a doctor about a chronic cough, you should provide as much information about the cough as possible. If there is a time of day when coughing seems to occur more often or if a patient has a recent history of the disease, these can provide important diagnostic clues.
A common culprit is lung disease or chronic inflammation. Asthma, smoking, and numerous respiratory conditions are all linked to a chronic dry cough. Additionally, patients may develop a cough with an infection, or a condition called postinfectious cough, in which the infection has cleared and the patient is better, but the cough persists. The cough can irritate the throat and be self-perpetuating, as the irritation leads to coughing to clear the throat, followed by further irritation, and so on.
Some medications, especially angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors used to treat high blood pressure, can cause a chronic cough. Changing or stopping medications can solve the problem and make the patient feel more comfortable. Also, this type of cough is linked to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Sometimes, a cough is present without the heartburn sensation associated with acid reflux and can be the most obvious clinical sign of a problem.
Moving to a dry climate can cause a person to develop a chronic dry cough. As the body adjusts to the change, coughing can be a problem, especially if the area is dusty. Using a humidifier can help with coughing, as well as relieve dry skin symptoms. Heat is not necessarily a factor; hot, dry climates such as the desert are just as likely to cause coughing as cold, dry climates such as those seen at extreme latitudes. People who continue to cough for several weeks may want to see a doctor to determine if there is another cause.
Treatments for chronic cough may include taking or switching medications, giving up smoking, using climate-control humidifiers, and things like lozenges to address throat irritation. Even if patients are not bothered by the cough, they should see a doctor, as it may be the only obvious symptom of a more serious problem. Receiving cough treatment can prevent future complications and keep patients more comfortable.