Causes of foot & ankle swelling?

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Swelling in the foot and ankle can be caused by various factors, including sustained pressure, injuries, being overweight, and health conditions. Treatment involves identifying and addressing the root cause, while prevention includes staying active, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating a balanced diet. Swelling that persists or is accompanied by pain, dizziness, or nausea should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Swelling in the foot and ankle is quite common and can be caused by many things, including standing or sitting for a long time; injuries, such as a sprained ankle; being overweight; and some health conditions which include high blood pressure, heart failure, and arthritis. Swelling generally occurs when there is a buildup of fluid in the veins or when the body’s cells begin to retain water. Temporary cases usually have to do with a person’s diet or physical habits, such as eating a lot of salty foods or putting a persistent weight on their feet and. Swelling that persists or seems to occur more randomly may be a sign of a more serious condition or injury.

Pressure from standing or sitting

By far the most common cause is sustained pressure on the foot or ankle, which occurs when someone has been standing or, in some cases, sitting with weight on their feet. The human body was designed for movement and long periods of inactivity can lead to many different problems. When it comes to bloating, gravity plays a big part. Because the feet and ankles are closest to the ground, they bear most of a person’s weight, and gravity is often strongest here. This type of swelling is usually relieved when a person changes position or lifts their feet off the ground.

People who spend a lot of time on their feet, such as sales clerks or bank tellers, sometimes notice varicose veins — purplish, spider-like skin aberrations — on or around the ankles. These can also cause swelling forcing blood back up the leg and into the foot, a condition known as ‘venous insufficiency’. Healthcare professionals can sometimes remove varicose veins, but the process can be long and painful; people who are bothered by this type of swelling are usually able to relieve the problem by wearing special compression stockings or stockings and elevating the feet and ankles every two hours.

Special concerns for air travellers

Many people experience swelling in their feet and ankles after long flights, mostly in response to the high pressure in most commercial airline cabins. When the air is pressurized, blood vessels are more likely to constrict; this, combined with people’s tendency to sit relatively still for hours on end, often leads to swelling and water retention in the feet and sometimes the hands. In most cases this is harmless and will disappear on its own once it lands. People who are prone to blood clots or who are taking blood-thinning medications are usually at special risk of swelling which can become more dangerous, often leading to aneurysms; wearing compression stockings, drinking plenty of fluids, and trying to walk or change positions regularly are some of the best ways to avoid it.

Injuries and traumas

It’s also common to notice swelling after an injury or accident. Sprained ankles, broken toes, and torn ligaments in the feet can lead to temporary swelling as the body moves blood and other fluids to the injury site. In these cases the swelling is a sign that something is wrong inside and will usually get worse until the underlying injury has been addressed or treated.

Weight problems

Overweight people typically experience more incidences of swollen feet and ankles, in part due to the strain their size puts on their lower legs. Most medical experts encourage patients to maintain a healthy weight for many reasons, but reducing the stress on the feet is often on the list. Very heavy people are also more prone to excess fluid buildup, which is called peripheral edema and can lead to swelling.
Circulatory concerns

Blood pressure also plays an important role in swollen feet. When the pressure of the fluid that pumps through the body’s veins is higher or lower than optimal, the hands and feet often start to swell. The hands and feet are known as the “extremities” of the body because they are furthest from the heart; as a result, they often experience the worst effects when things go wrong with the circulatory system. Heart disease or heart failure can also be a cause, although in these cases the swelling is usually just one of many other more pronounced symptoms.

Organ failure

When a major organ ruptures, swelling in the extremities often occurs as a side effect. Liver and kidney failure are two of the worst for feet. Under these circumstances, excess fluid builds up in the body around the failing organ, which in turn swells the cells and blocks the blood passages. Most patients know something is wrong well before they notice more swollen feet, but in many of these cases, seeking prompt medical help can mean the difference between life and death.
As a symptom of pregnancy

Swollen feet and ankles are very common pregnancy symptoms, particularly in the third trimester. Women typically retain more water during pregnancy, which is one of the earliest causes, but hormonal changes could also be to blame. Rising estrogen and progesterone levels can cause bloating, and the weight of the baby as it grows also increases the pressure on the ankles when a woman walks or stands.

Other causes
There are a great many reasons why a person’s feet and ankles could swell beyond the more common examples listed above. Infections, blood clots, burns, insect bites and malnutrition can all be responsible; Arthritis in the foot or ankle is also a possibility. Medications, particularly those that impact blood chemistry and fluid retention, can also play a significant role, and steroids, blood pressure medications, and antidepressants are some of the most common examples. Lymphatic obstruction, a blockage of lymph nodes in the legs, can also lead to swelling.
Prevention, treatment and remedies
Medical professionals usually begin treating foot swelling by first identifying and treating the root cause. This is often very different from patient to patient. However, there are some things anyone can do to reduce the chances of experiencing this often painful and uncomfortable condition.
Avoiding sitting or standing for too long is a good place to start. Staying active and moving your feet and ankles regularly is a good way to prevent fluid buildup and blood clots. Once the swelling has already started, elevating the legs above the heart is a good way to get things back to normal, as this will help take the pressure off the heart and may allow blood to flow more freely.
Paying close attention to your food intake is also important. People who eat diets low in salt and processed foods but high in vegetables, fruits and whole grains are generally less at risk of bloating. Drinking lots of water can also help flush toxins out of the body; experts typically recommend regular exercise as well, as a way to stay healthy both in terms of weight management and when it comes to blood chemistry and cellular fluid issues.
When to ask for help
Most cases of foot and ankle swelling are not serious, and the condition is rarely a medical emergency. However, any swelling that lasts for more than a day and doesn’t reduce with movement, drinking water, or elevation should typically be evaluated by a healthcare professional. So should swelling that is accompanied by pain, dizziness, or nausea. Doctors will be able to look at a patient’s entire history, usually in the best position to find out the true cause.

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