Causes of green vaginal discharge?

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Green vaginal discharge can indicate sexually transmitted diseases such as HPV and trichomoniasis, as well as skin disease lichen sclerosis and bacterial vaginosis. HPV can also cause warts near the vagina or anus and cervical dysplasia, which can lead to cervical cancer. Treatment varies depending on the condition and can include antibiotics and topical steroids.

Typical vaginal discharge is clear or white and has no odor, so when it changes in color, texture, or amount, there could be a problem. For example, greenish vaginal discharge can indicate sexually transmitted disease (STD) human papillomavirus (HPV), which also causes warts in the vaginal area. Another STD that can cause green vaginal discharge is trichomoniasis, in which the discharge is thin and foamy in addition to being green or yellow. Lichen sclerosis is a skin disease that often causes pain when urinating, itchy skin, and green vaginal discharge. In some cases, bacterial vaginosis also causes abnormal green, yellow, or gray, along with a foul odor and vaginal itching.

The main symptom of HPV in women is the presence of warts near the vagina or anus, although many patients never notice any symptoms. Green vaginal discharge is another possible symptom of HPV, which is usually caused by cervical dysplasia, in which precancerous cells grow along the cervix and can eventually lead to cervical cancer. Although HPV is not curable, patients are advised to see a doctor to remove precancerous cells so they can avoid cervical cancer.

Another STD that often causes green vaginal discharge is trichomoniasis, in which a parasite causes vaginal itching, abnormal discharge, and painful intercourse. Many women find that their discharge is green, foamy, and foul-smelling, which indicates an infection. It can be treated with antibiotics but, if medications are not started early enough, pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility can result. Therefore, women who notice green vaginal discharge are encouraged to see a doctor immediately.

Lichen sclerosis can also lead to abnormal discharge, although most symptoms involve skin irritation. For example, the skin on the vulva often becomes thin and dimpled and tends to itch and eventually shrink. It may hurt to urinate or have sex. Treatment usually involves topical steroids that can clear up the condition and relieve symptoms, allowing vaginal discharge and skin to return to normal over time.

Bacterial vaginosis can cause vaginal discharge that is yellow, gray, or green. Most women with this condition also experience itching, a foul odor, and burning when urinating. Antibiotics can usually clear the infection, returning the discharge to a normal white or clear color. The condition is more likely to occur in women who smoke, have multiple sexual partners, or have recently used antibiotics, because bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of certain bacteria. There are few complications from this condition, although it can lead to premature birth or infection in pregnant women if left untreated.

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