Upper back pain can be caused by poor posture, overuse of neck and shoulder muscles, injury, and stress. Stretching, ergonomic chairs, and exercise can help relieve pain, but it’s important to treat the underlying cause.
Just like low back pain, however, low back pain is often triggered by another part of the body, such as the neck or shoulders. Poor posture, muscle strains, overuse, or even a lack of sufficient use can lead to pain, as can uncontrolled injury or extreme fatigue. To begin relieving upper back pain, one should first understand what is causing the pain and treat the cause.
The most common causes of low back pain are overuse of the shoulder and neck muscles, as well as poor posture. High back pain is common in people who overuse their shoulder and neck muscles in a given amount of time, thus allowing the muscles to become tight. The upper back muscles then compensate for injured or tight muscles, which can lead to pain in the upper back. To counteract this pain, be sure to stretch the muscles in your neck, shoulders and arms both before and after physical activity. Pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can help relieve pain temporarily, but these are by no means permanent solutions.
Sitting at a desk for long periods of time can lead to back pain, especially if you don’t pay attention to proper posture. Lowering and lowering the head and neck can place strain on the muscles in the neck, shoulders and upper back, causing pain in these areas. If the sufferer spends a lot of time sitting at a desk, they should consider purchasing an ergonomic chair that helps support the lower back and neck, thus promoting better posture that prevents pain.
Other causes of upper back pain include repetitive motion such as heavy lifting, injury, and even stress. Muscles tighten up as the body and mind experience more stress, meaning the muscles are put under pressure to the point of pain. You should consider evaluating your daily routine to help reduce your stress levels, thereby releasing tight muscles. A regular exercise routine is also a good solution for chronic back pain of any kind, as exercise keeps muscles limber, and stronger muscles can handle more repetitive motion or strain than weaker muscles.