High blood protein can be caused by inflammation or infection. It can be detected through a blood test and can provide important clues to the underlying cause. Treatment options include medications and dietary changes, and follow-up tests can monitor blood protein levels.
High protein in the blood is usually the result of inflammation or an infection. A blood test can determine the level and type of the protein, and this can provide important clues to the underlying cause. Doctors may order such tests if they have reason to believe a patient’s levels may be elevated, and elevated levels can also be detected during routine exams. In all cases, the laboratory performing the test should provide a detailed breakdown along with the reference levels so that a doctor can determine where a patient falls within a range of results from the same laboratory, as each laboratory can be slightly different.
Chronic inflammation is a potential culprit behind high blood protein. Patients with arthritis and some bone marrow diseases tend to have high protein levels because their immune systems work harder. Bone marrow diseases such as amyloidosis and multiple myeloma are both associated with elevated blood proteins and can also cause bone pain, soreness and fatigue. Some patients may also have protein in their urine if their kidneys are stressed by ongoing inflammation or disease.
Infection can also be a cause. Infections force the immune system into overdrive, and this can elevate blood protein levels beyond the normal range. Chronic infections such as hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) lead to an increase in protein in the blood. Monitoring protein levels in patients with known infections can provide important information about how they are responding to treatment and whether additional or more aggressive treatment is needed.
When a doctor detects high blood protein, the first step is usually to order other tests to determine the cause. The lab can check for other evidence of infection or inflammation. The doctor may also interview the patient to gather information about risk factors and other symptoms that the patient may not realize are related. This information is vital to making a correct diagnosis and patients should be sure to provide a detailed medical history.
Once your doctor knows more about the cause, they can recommend treatments. These can include medications and dietary changes. During the course of treatment, follow-up tests can monitor blood protein levels to see if they decrease. If not, you may need to pursue more aggressive treatment options such as different medications or a combination drug regimen. It is important to receive treatment because persistently high protein levels can strain the kidneys and lead to health complications for the patient.