Left arm pain can be caused by a broken bone, sprain, strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or a heart attack. Pain can also come from the wrist or chest. Broken bones may require medical attention, while carpal tunnel syndrome can be treated with surgery or wrist braces. Heart attack pain can radiate to the left arm.
The most common causes of left arm pain are a broken bone and a sprain or strain. Carpal tunnel syndrome and a heart attack can also cause left arm pain. These causes affect millions of people around the world, and some are more treatable than others. When you experience pain in your left arm, it’s important to keep in mind that the pain can come from elsewhere, such as your wrist or chest, so there may not be a problem with your arm at all. For example, the arm could hurt if the wrist or hand is damaged in any way or if a person is having a heart attack.
A broken left arm normally causes severe pain to the injured person initially, but this pain usually subsides as the repair process progresses. Broken wrists and hands can also cause pain in the injured person’s arm. Bruising, swelling, and soreness are classic symptoms of a broken bone, and if necessary, you should see a doctor to fix the bone and make sure it’s healing properly. A sling or splint may be prescribed to help the bone stay in place during the repair. Strains or sprains in the left arm, wrist, or hand can also be responsible for left arm pain, in much the same way as a broken left arm.
During a heart attack, severe pain may be felt in the left arm. While the chest is the primary location where severe pain will be felt during a heart attack, the pain is often said to radiate into the left shoulder and arm. Since the heart is located on the left side of the chest, it is not typical for the pain to radiate up to the right shoulder and arm.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition caused by compression of a nerve in the wrist. One of the possible symptoms of this condition is pain in the arm, often accompanied by burning and tingling sensations. Some experts suspect that this condition is caused by repetitive stress, and some have found that there is a link between the condition and repetitive work such as using a keyboard. Treatments for this condition include major actions such as surgery and pain medication, as well as therapeutic stretching wrist braces that keep the wrist from bending. Symptoms don’t just show up in the arms and typically include fingers, wrists, and other parts of the hand.