Mid-upper back pain is difficult to relieve due to the large muscles in the area that are almost always in use. Overuse, poor posture, and spinal problems can cause pain, which can be prevented with stretching, exercise, and developing core muscles. Serious spinal problems require medical attention.
Mid-upper back pain is one of the hardest pains to relieve because it is particularly difficult to stretch the muscles in this part of the body. The problem is further complicated by tracing the causes of mid-upper back pain; such pain is often caused by stiffness or pain in other areas of the back, shoulders, neck, and even the chest and diaphragm. The muscles in the upper back are large and almost always in use due to regular movement and breathing, so muscle strains are common in this area.
Perhaps the most common cause of mid-upper back pain is overuse. Lifting heavy loads can strain the muscles of the lower and middle back as well as the shoulders and neck. This can lead to upper mid back pain due to lack of support from other muscles or due to misalignment of the spine due to overworked or injured back muscles. Stretching and exercise routines can help prevent such injuries and can strengthen your back, shoulder and neck muscles.
Poor posture is another common cause of upper middle back pain, which can be easily corrected by paying more attention to your posture when sitting, standing, and moving around. If you’re sitting for long periods of time, it’s important to get up and move around to allow tense muscles to relax. When sitting, it’s important to sit up straight with your lower back and neck properly supported. Crossing your legs or shifting your weight to one side can cause some muscles to overcompensate, causing them to strain or pull. Developing the core muscles that support the spine can improve posture and reduce pain in all areas of the back.
More serious spinal problems can also cause mid-upper back pain. Arthritis and spinal deformities can cause severe pain in all areas of the back. Arthritis occurs when the cartilage in the joints wears away or disappears altogether, leaving the bones to rub against each other. This can cause the bones to atrophy, which can lead to severe pain. Spinal deformities due to disease, injury, or birth defects can also cause significant pain due to bone rubbing on bone. Such injuries can also lead to spinal compression. It is important to see a doctor if the sufferer suspects any of these diseases, as each is treated differently. Some can be relieved with medications, while other problems may require surgery or physical therapy.