Retinal detachment occurs when the retina separates from the blood vessels supplying it, causing rapid degeneration or permanent damage. Causes include genetic inheritance, diseases, aging, trauma, and eye deterioration. Symptoms include floaters, blurred vision, and flashes of light, requiring immediate attention.
Retinal detachment occurs when the retina, which is located inside the back of the eye, begins to separate from the blood vessels (choroid) that supply it and help keep it healthy. This is an urgent condition, because as with most other tissues in the body, separation from the blood supply can lead to rapid retinal degeneration, creating tissue death or permanent damage. There are several potential causes of retinal detachment, which aren’t always predictable, although often the symptoms of the condition are quite obvious and the treatment outcome can be good when people see their doctors promptly.
Sometimes people are more at risk of retinal detachment via genetic inheritance. Particularly young boys may have a genetic condition called X-linked retinoschisis. Regular eye exams can detect this condition, so children and their parents can be on the lookout for any symptoms that might suggest detachment. Unfortunately this is a condition that does not respond well to repair and vision can be significantly impaired.
The cause of retinal detachment is occasionally linked to diseases that inflame the retina, creating retinitis. Such diseases can include cytomegalovirus retinitis and sometimes complications from herpes simplex I. People with immune deficiencies may be at increased risk of retinal complications from diseases, in those just mentioned and in conditions such as toxoplasmosis.
Other causes of retinal detachment can include eye deterioration due to conditions such as diabetes. Alternative causes may include myopia. A very narrow structure of the eye can make a person prone to retinal injuries.
Simple aging can also result in retinal detachment. As the eyes age, the vitreous fluid that fills them can change and can sometimes move away from the back of the eye. If this happens forcibly, it can damage the retina.
Another major cause of retinal detachment is trauma. Any type of trauma that tears the retina and allows fluid to leak through it runs the risk of separating the retina from the choroid, as fluid collects between the two. Many people without any health conditions may be experiencing detachment in a traumatic setting.
It is very important to recognize the symptoms of retinal detachment. These might include the display of floaters, which some people refer to as silver bugs. Many also note being able to see what they might call a curtain dropped in front of their eyes, briefly obstructing their vision. For a minute or less, your vision essentially goes dark. Alternatively, people have described suddenly blurry vision and having the occasional flash of light. It cannot be overstated that such symptoms can indicate very serious problems that require immediate attention.