Sore throat and mucus in the throat are often caused by excess mucus and can be caused by a variety of factors, including viruses, bacterial infections like strep throat, and allergies. Antibiotics are prescribed for strep infections, while the body’s immune system usually deals with viruses.
Sore throat and mucus in the throat generally go hand in hand. This is mainly because the vast majority of sore throat problems stem from irritation from excess mucus. It’s also one of those symptoms that can be caused by a wide variety of different problems, because mucus is associated with so many different aspects of the body’s immune system reaction. For example, if a person gets any type of upper respiratory infection, they are likely to develop a sore throat and mucus in the throat. There are also some specific factors, such as some viruses, that can be common causes.
Several viruses are directly related to strep throat, and usually when they are involved, medical professionals are unable to identify the exact cause. There is usually not much that can be done to treat people when these symptoms have viral causes. If a healthcare professional suspects a virus, they will usually do precautionary tests to make sure it’s not mononucleosis or something else serious.
If a person has a sore throat and mucus in the throat, another possible cause is a bacterial infection called strep throat. It can lead to mucus drainage, but in the case of strep bacteria, sore throat is often caused directly by the bacteria. Streptococcus tends to attack the lining of a person’s throat, leading to severe inflammation. People also often have a fever and other severe symptoms when they develop this condition.
Sometimes, medical professionals assume that any throat infection they see could be caused by strep. They often prescribe antibiotics for anyone with a sore throat. Antibiotics normally treat a strep infection if that’s the problem, while the body’s immune system usually deals with anything else, such as a virus, that might be causing the pain. There are also tests that help with diagnosing strep, but patients don’t always want to wait for the results before getting a prescription.
Sometimes, a sore throat and mucus in the throat can be caused by a mix of problems. For example, a person with allergies might have excess mucus drainage in the throat, and the area where the drainage occurs might develop a bacterial infection at the same time. In this case, the bacteria and mucus drainage are both working together to create problems and cause pain. In general, allergies are considered a relatively common cause of throat problems. People can be allergic to many things, from pet dander to pollen, so finding the exact cause in these cases may not be easy.