Swollen fingers can be caused by pregnancy, carpal tunnel syndrome, poor circulation, injury, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, fluid retention, Raynaud’s phenomenon, finger infections, insect bites, repetitive motion stress, and traumatic injury. Swelling is a symptom of an underlying condition.
Some causes of swollen fingers can be pregnancy and carpal tunnel syndrome. Poor circulation can cause finger swelling in some individuals. Inflammation from injury or arthritis can also cause swelling of the fingertips. Fingertip swelling is not considered a disease, but rather a symptom of an underlying condition. For those with arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, swelling and inflammation in the joints can be common, as can swelling in the joints of the fingers.
Any type of autoimmune disease can cause swollen fingers for some individuals. A disease such as lupus can be characterized by pain and swelling, as the immune system mistakenly recognizes an organ or the entire body as foreign, thereby attacking the body. Some lupus patients may experience swollen fingertips and swollen hands and feet.
Scleroderma is another autoimmune disease that can result in swollen and tender fingers. In more advanced cases, extreme immobility of the hands or feet may occur. Pain is another symptom associated with this rare condition that can cause your fingertips to swell.
Fluid retention, also known as edema, can cause swollen fingers and swollen joints. Fluid retention can be caused by several factors, including a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle or pregnancy. Swollen and enlarged fingers may be prominent on the fingertips or knuckles and could be a symptom of fluid buildup within the body. Medications such as diuretics can help control symptoms.
A condition known as Raynaud’s phenomenon can cause swollen fingers, among other symptoms. This disease is also characterized by skin tightness and pain. Extremities that have discoloration, such as a bluish tinge, can be another symptom of this condition.
A finger infection can cause the fingertip to swell. Drainage, red streaks, and pain are other symptoms. This is typically caused by a bacterial infection. Another type of infection that can cause swollen fingers is a fungal nail infection.
Insect bites are known to cause localized swelling, and if a person is stung on the finger, the fingertip can swell. If the individual has an allergic reaction to the bee sting, swelling is more likely. A bee sting generally also causes pain and redness.
In some cases, repetitive motion stress can cause swollen fingers. Repetitive motion injury occurs when a person abuses a joint or extremity for an extended period of time. As a result, pain, redness, and swelling may affect the hands or fingertips. Many people who repeatedly use their hands for work or sports, such as a typist or tennis player, can develop swollen fingertips.
Traumatic injury, such as a broken finger, is another cause of a swollen fingertip. A dislocated finger can also cause swelling in the fingertips. Sprains and strains can cause swelling of any joint or part of an extremity, including the fingertips.