Weak bones can be caused by factors such as osteoporosis, vitamin D or calcium deficiency, anorexia nervosa, and certain medications. Risk factors include being female, White or Asian, over 45, thin, sedentary, and a smoker. Bone loss and thinning can be caused by various conditions and menopause. Prevention includes good nutrition, exercise, avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, and being aware of heavy metals in the environment.
The causes of weak bones can range from osteoporosis to bone cancer. Some causes include a vitamin D or calcium deficiency, conditions such as anorexia nervosa and Cushing’s disease, and certain medications or chemical poisoning. Risk factors for weak bones include being female, being White or Asian, and being over the age of 45. Those who are thin, exercise little, and smoke are also more likely to have weak bones.
Bones weaken in two ways. There’s actual bone loss, and there’s bone thinning. With bone loss, the effective density of bones decreases. Mild bone loss is called osteopenia and severe bone loss is called osteoporosis.
Bone loss is the cause of weak bones due to conditions such as rickets and vitamin D deficiency. Other possible causes of bone loss can include hyperthyroidism, excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption, and a sedentary lifestyle. Using progesterone-based contraceptives and going through menopause before the age of 40 can also cause bone loss, as can menopause itself.
With bone thinning, bones actually become thinner, with bone loss occurring faster than it is replaced. Bones rebuild daily and in a healthy body the rate of loss is less than the rate of new bone. In many conditions, bone thinning eventually leads to actual bone loss. As with bone loss, aging and menopause are common causes.
The reason bone thinning and bone loss are so closely linked to menopause and age in women is the link between estrogen levels and the risk of developing osteopenia. Research seems to indicate that bone loss slows five to seven years after menopause. It is important for women to practice good nutrition, exercise, and take other preventative measures during their 20s, 30s, and 40s due to the risk of bone loss during menopause.
To prevent weak bones, avoid alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. Excessive consumption of salt, steroids, and high levels of stress can also impact bone health. As part of prevention, getting an adequate amount of sleep is also important to allow the body to regenerate.
Heavy metals in the environment, such as aluminum, mercury and lead, can also cause bone loss by interfering with the body’s ability to absorb calcium. These are commonly found in products such as deodorants, antacids, and even water. Prevention should include awareness of this and efforts to avoid unnecessary exposure,