Cesspools are covered holes used to store sewage and waste, but are now discouraged or prohibited in many regions due to sanitary concerns. They can cause pollution and health problems if not emptied regularly and can attract pests. Archaeologists find them interesting as they can provide insight into the diet and lifestyle of earlier civilizations. In developing countries, eliminating cesspools is a priority for public health and basic sanitation.
A cesspool is a covered hole that is used to hold sewage and/or waste. At one time, cesspools were the preferred storage method for waste in many parts of the world, before being replaced by municipal sewage systems and septic tanks. Cesspools, also known as cesspools, are still in use in some regions of the world, although many local building codes discourage or prohibit the construction of cesspools, due to sanitary concerns.
In the classic version of a cesspit, a pit is lined with materials such as bricks essentially creating a large underground cistern. Waste and sewage are dumped into the cesspool, which must be periodically emptied to make way for something else. Some people delay any emptying by building what is known as a leach cesspool, a cesspool that allows liquids to escape while keeping the solids. As you can imagine, these untreated liquids can cause pollution, along with health problems, if they enter groundwater.
Since cesspools are quite unsightly inside, the term ‘cesspool’ has come to be associated with filth, decay, and unsightly condition, which is why you may hear a scruffy apartment referred to as a cesspool. The etymology of the word is actually a topic of debate. Some believe it comes from the Latin secessus, “resting place” or latrine, while others believe it is related to suspiral, “drainpipe”, from the Latin suspirare, “to breathe deeply.” The term could also derive from the regional dialect; a “cess” is a swamp in some parts of Europe.
For archaeologists, cesspools can be extremely interesting. At sites where people once had cesspools, archaeologists can uncover information about what they ate and how they lived by analyzing the contents of abandoned cesspools. Since the material inside has typically dried up, this task is less unpleasant than one might imagine and provides crucial insight into the diet and lifestyle of earlier civilizations.
In the modern world, cesspools are still used in parts of the world where sewage systems have yet to be built and can create a serious public health risk, especially when they are poorly maintained. Fluids can seep out, contaminating soil and groundwater, and cesspools can also attract rats and other disease-carrying pests, while also contributing to an unpleasant state of affairs in the nasal passages for passersby. Advocates for public health and basic sanitation in developing countries often advocate eliminating cesspools in favor of more sanitary methods of waste disposal as an initial priority, as there is no point in digging wells or providing water when it can be rapidly contaminated.