To check the status of a trademark, locate the agency responsible for registering trademarks in your area and apply for the state. Many agencies offer free trademark status checks through their websites. You may need identifying information, such as a serial or registration number, to conduct a check. If a trademark has been registered, you will need to choose a different name, slogan, or design to avoid conflicts with other businesses.
It is usually quite easy to check the status of a trademark. Typically you will need to locate the agency responsible for registering trademarks in your area and apply for the state. Often these agencies offer free trademark status checks through their websites. You can also call the trademark agency in your jurisdiction to inquire. Additionally, many agencies maintain online databases that you can use to find pre-registered trademarks, which can help you when you’re in the process of choosing a name or slogan or creating a logo for your business or organization.
Most countries have an agency responsible for accepting and processing trademark applications. You will normally check the status of a trademark through the same organization that accepted your application for it. In most cases, these organizations operate websites that provide online search engines that you can use to check the status of trademarks. Most trademark offices allow you to carry out free online checks on the status of trademarks.
You’ll likely need some basic identifying information to conduct a brand status check. Depending on where you are, you may need a serial or registration number to run a health check. In some places, you may also need to provide your contact information to obtain a trademark status.
There may be instances where you need to speak to a Trademark Office representative to check the status of your application rather than using the online database. Many brand agencies post phone numbers and email addresses you can use to contact them on their websites. They can also provide phone numbers and email addresses that you can use for technical support with your trademark status request. If you can’t find the contact information you need to contact the trademark office online, you may find it in a local telephone directory.
If you want to check whether or not a name, logo or slogan has been registered before attempting to use it for your business, you may need to do a trademark search. To do this, you’ll likely need to visit your jurisdiction’s trademark office website and use its search capabilities to determine whether or not a trademark has been registered for the name, slogan, or logo you’re considering. If a trademark status check reveals that one has been registered, you will usually need to choose a different name, slogan or design to avoid conflicts with your other businesses. Even if the name hasn’t been registered, however, you might do well to seek the advice of a lawyer before choosing a name, design or slogan that has already been used by another company.