Chronic insomnia is a long-term sleep disorder that can last for years and affects a person’s ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including medication, stress, and sleep disorders. Treatment may involve lifestyle changes, medication, or therapy.
While many people will experience the occasional sleepless night, people with chronic insomnia deal with insomnia consistently. Unlike a temporary sleep problem caused by extra stress or an illness, chronic insomnia can last for years and isn’t necessarily related to any particular situation or problem. For people with chronic insomnia, every night can be a battle to get the rest their bodies crave.
Insomnia is characterized by the inability to go to sleep or sleep through the night. Most adults require about eight hours of sleep a night; for a person suffering from insomnia, this level of rest seems impossible to achieve. While it’s easy to imagine how tired a person can be after a night of poor sleep, the difficulty of managing daily life while suffering from constant or chronic insomnia is often overlooked. People with chronic insomnia may never feel fully awake; their work performance, memory and even motor skills can suffer after a prolonged period of sleepless nights.
The causes of chronic insomnia vary, and the condition can be caused by a combination of several factors. Many prescription drugs can cause insomnia, as can caffeine, alcohol and some medications. A high-stress lifestyle can also contribute greatly to chronic insomnia. Certain sleep disorders or disorders, such as an inability to maintain rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, may also contribute to the condition. In order to determine the cause of long-term insomnia, many patients seek help from sleep doctors and clinics.
By carefully studying sleep behavior, clinics may be able to offer explanations and solutions to people suffering from chronic insomnia. Solutions may require lifestyle changes, such as giving up coffee, and may include the use of sleep aids such as prescription medications. More importantly, medical professionals can help determine whether the cause is primarily physical or psychological. If psychological, treatment such as hypnosis or cognitive behavioral therapy may be recommended. If physical, solutions may require lifestyle changes, such as giving up coffee, and may include the use of sleep aids such as prescription drugs.
There are many ways to improve a person’s lifestyle in order to promote healthy sleep. Cutting out caffeine and other stimulants can be extremely helpful in regulating rest. Many experts recommend that a person’s bed be used only for sleep or sex; eating and drinking, or in bed, can potentially disturb sleep. Additionally, care should be taken to make the bedroom a restful and uncluttered space where relaxation is simple. Daily exercise can also help by ensuring that the body is really tired before bedtime.
If insomnia has become a constant struggle, it may not be wise to ignore the condition. A person who is constantly exhausted cannot function properly and can be a danger to himself or to other people. If stress-reducing techniques do nothing to improve your insomnia, consider visiting a doctor as soon as possible. While a cure for chronic insomnia cannot be guaranteed, determining the cause of the condition can certainly help manage it. For the exhausted person, even a few extra hours of comfortable sleep can feel like a dream come true.