Clubfoot is a common birth defect affecting one in 1,000 babies, with boys twice as likely to be affected. The cause is unknown, but it may be related to smoking, drug use, infections, or genetics. The condition does not usually cause pain, but can impair movement and cause discomfort as the child begins to stand and walk.
Clubfoot in children is one of the most frequently diagnosed birth defects. According to some research, about one in 1,000 babies born has this defect. Fortunately, this condition does not usually cause any pain to the affected person. In fact, it generally doesn’t cause any physical effects until the child gets old enough to stand up and walk. As the child begins to stand and walk, his or her movement may be impaired and sometimes discomfort develops due to the odd foot position.
There are many types of birth defects that a baby can have and one of the most common is referred to as clubfoot. When a person has clubfoot, one or both of their feet are turned inward and placed down. Interestingly, if both feet of a child are affected, the soles of their feet may actually be facing each other instead of the ground. The affected person may only have a clubfoot or may suffer from other foot or leg abnormalities along with it.
It is helpful to consider a few statistics when attempting to assess the frequency of clubfoot in children. Based on statistics provided by the March of Dimes, approximately one percent, or one in 1,000 babies born, have this defect. Interestingly, boys are more likely to have this defect than girls – in fact, boys are twice as likely to have this defect. While it’s important to note that the March of Dimes clubfoot statistics are based on cases in the United States, the numbers are often similar in other countries. In the UK, for example, around one per cent of children are also affected.
Doctors and scientists aren’t entirely sure what causes clubfoot in children. Years ago, the defect was often explained by the cramped positioning of the baby’s limbs while in the uterus. This cause is related to some types of foot abnormalities, but such defects often improve after birth, whereas clubfoot defects do not. Today, many experts believe that clubfoot in babies may be related to smoking and drug use by expectant mothers, as well as infections affecting the baby while still in the womb. Genes may also play a role in the defect. Unfortunately, there is no definite way to prevent the condition, but if a woman avoids smoking and drug use during pregnancy, she can reduce her baby’s risk of this and other types of birth defects.