Autoimmune diseases are caused by an impaired immune system attacking the body, with symptoms including fatigue, weight changes, fever, pain, and other symptoms such as high blood pressure, dizziness, numbness, and brain fog. Diagnosis can be difficult, and there is no cure.
When the body’s immune system becomes impaired, for unknown reasons, and starts harming the body, it is called an autoimmune disease or disorder. There is no cure and autoimmune diseases can be very difficult to diagnose. This is because many of the most common symptoms of autoimmune diseases could be caused by any number of common diseases and disorders.
One of the most common symptoms of autoimmune diseases is fatigue. The body is wearing itself out fighting against itself. The inflammation caused by these diseases can also cause fatigue. The pain common to most autoimmune disorders, as well as general stress on the body, can also lead a person to feel tired most of the time.
Another of the most common symptoms of autoimmune disease is a change in weight unrelated to food intake or the amount of exercise a person gets. Many types of autoimmune diseases, such as Addison’s disease, Grave’s disease (hyperthyroidism), lupus and irritable bowel syndrome can lead to weight loss. These same conditions, in some people, can also lead to weight gain. Weight gain centralized in the torso, arms, and neck can be a symptom of Cushing’s disease.
Fever is another of the most common symptoms of autoimmune diseases. An autoimmune disease is caused by an overreactive immune system, which has begun to detect parts of the body as a threat. The immune system reacts to this threat the same way it would to any other harmful intrusion, such as a virus, bacterium or parasite. A fever is the body’s natural way of fighting infection. When the body is constantly fighting a perceived infection, fever becomes very common.
People suffering from an autoimmune disease often experience a lot of pain. Joint pain, body aches, tender points, or generalized pain are all common symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Pain comes from the body attacking itself, which can cause a lot of discomfort. Rheumatoid arthritis, for example, is characterized by severe pain in the joints. Fever caused by some autoimmune infections can also cause pain and unusually high levels of tenderness and sensitivity.
Other common symptoms of autoimmune diseases include high blood pressure, dizziness, numbness, and foggy thinking, also known as brain fog. There may also be changes in mood, sex drive and gastrointestinal discomfort such as constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating or nausea. Anyone with unexplained recurring symptoms, such as those common to autoimmune disorders, should contact a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.