Telecommuting jobs are popular, but require candidates to prove their ability to follow instructions and meet deadlines. Pay rates, home environment, and equipment are also common interview topics.
Telecommuting jobs are very popular among many people today. The contractor avoids commuting twice a day in traffic, buying expensive clothes, and dealing with office politics. The company avoids having to pay benefits and provide office space and supplies as they do for on-site workers. Common interview questions for telecommuting jobs tend to focus on the following topics: meeting deadlines, pay expectations, and the worker’s home environment.
Interview questions for telecommuting jobs that test a candidate’s ability to follow instructions are quite common. For example, the company running an ad for telecommuting workers might request that a certain phrase be inserted in the subject line of respondents’ emails. Anyone who doesn’t follow these instructions is usually automatically eliminated from the pool of potential candidates. Companies looking for telecommuting workers often don’t have the resources to keep checking in to make sure the work is being done correctly. Sometimes an interviewer may directly ask, “Can you follow instructions well?” as one of the interview questions for telecommuting positions.
Meeting deadlines is another concern that most companies that hire telecommuting workers. The presence of workers on site can be monitored, but it is often impossible to do this with external workers. “Can you work well with minimal supervision?” and “Do you always meet deadlines?” there are some interview questions for telecommuting jobs that companies might want to ask potential telecommuters.
Freelance contractors, like writers, often ask, “What are your rates?” and “How do you accept payment?” as part of the interview process for telecommuting jobs. Companies that hire other types of telecommuters may just tell the potential worker how to pay them, rather than asking candidates for their pay preference in interview questions for telecommuting positions. Most companies that hire telecommuters will pay by check or through PayPal’s payment service.
“Do you have a quiet place to work?” is another common interview question for telecommuting jobs that require the telecommuter to call clients. The company wants to ensure that noises from children or others are not heard by customers, as this seems unprofessional. “Do you have broadband or high-speed Internet?” or other questions about the candidate’s computer equipment are other common interview questions for telecommuting jobs.
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