Condo manager’s role?

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A condominium manager oversees the daily operations of a condo community, implementing policies and hiring contractors. They work with a board of directors or homeowners association and handle tenant relations and financial management. No educational requirements, but property management experience and good communication skills are preferred.

A condominium manager manages the day-to-day operations of a condominium community. He or she implements the condominium board’s policies regarding residential units, landscaping, parking lots, and common areas of a condominium complex. The condominium manager is responsible for hiring contractors and other workers for maintenance and repair tasks. He or she is also the point of contact for residents who want to report problems or violations of community rules. Condominium managers can be responsible for a small or large condo community. Some managers in this position are paid a salary, and others do the work in exchange for a free housing unit in the complex.

The governance structure of a condominium complex is typically comprised of a board of directors or homeowners association made up of members of the community. This group is normally voted on by other community members. They usually meet monthly to discuss property management and tenant relations issues. The condominium manager normally carries out the wishes of this board at his discretion. He also usually takes notes about these meetings and then distributes them to the members.

Condo owners generally pay monthly, semi-annual or annual fees to the homeowners association. These dues are normally collected and managed by the condominium manager. These funds are typically allocated to vendors and contractors to maintain the building and its surroundings. If rates need to be increased to cover rising maintenance costs, the manager will typically need the rate increase to pass a board vote.

The condominium manager is usually recruited by the board with the responsibility of choosing and hiring the best service and maintenance providers. These contractors are usually hired to control pests, maintain the landscaping and pool, collect trash, and repair large structures and appliances. If the quality of work is called into question, the issue is normally discussed by the board and manager and subsequent actions are put to a vote.

Issues involving tenant relations are generally referred to the condominium manager for his input and resolution. These matters often involve noise complaints, vacancy violations, and personal disputes. In cases where eviction may be an option, the board will normally vote on the proposed action and the manager may be required to cast the tie-breaking vote.

Typically, a person with this job is required to be a good record keeper. Typically, he is expected to keep files of all meeting minutes, as well as copies of all work orders and invoices he receives for property maintenance and repairs. Legal documents and required licenses related to the homeowners association and the property are generally maintained and updated by the condominium manager.

There are typically no educational requirements for this position. Good communication skills are generally considered an asset for the job. Residential or commercial property management experience is often preferred for condo job applicants. A bachelor’s degree in business administration or real estate can give a candidate an advantage over other applicants.

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