COPD: What breathing exercises?

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Breathing exercises like pursed-lip and diaphragm breathing can help those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) recover and restore normal breathing patterns. Pursed-lip breathing slows the rate and depth of breathing, while diaphragm breathing retrains the body to use the muscle efficiently. Caution is advised, as these exercises may cause dizziness.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a condition in which the airways have narrowed, causing shortness of breath. Simple actions like getting dressed or having a snack in the kitchen could leave the sufferer breathless. Breathing exercises for COPD can help the sufferer recover quickly and restore normal breathing patterns. Two of the most effective breathing exercises for COPD are pursed-lip breathing and diaphragm breathing.

Pursed-lip breathing is one of the most common breathing exercises for COPD, used instinctively by most people when they are out of breath, and is an effective technique for restoring your natural breathing rate. This method can be used to slow the rate and depth of breathing until it returns to normal. To perform pursed-lip breathing, the sufferer should sit upright and relax, inhale through the nose, then purse the lips as if whistling, and exhale. This will cause the sufferer’s cheeks to swell. He or she shouldn’t blow the air forcefully, but should exhale naturally.

Deliberate exhalation through pursed lips encourages a longer exhalation and releases more old air from the lungs, improving ventilation. Expelling more air creates back pressure, drawing in more fresh air with each inhalation. Breathing exercises for COPD such as pursed-lip breathing slow the rate of breathing and help the sufferer relax.

Diaphragmatic breathing is another useful exercise. The diaphragm is a muscle located under the lungs and is responsible for aiding in breathing. Often COPD patients no longer use this muscle efficiently and need to retrain the body to use it properly. COPD breathing exercises, such as diaphragm breathing, are likely to make the sufferer tired initially, but with practice, these COPD breathing exercises become easier.

To perform diaphragm breathing, the sufferer should lie on their back with their knees bent. One hand should rest on the abdomen and the other on the upper chest. The COPD patient should inhale through their nose and concentrate on letting their stomach rise while their chest remains still. He or she should exhale through pursed lips and allow the stomach to sink as the chest continues to remain still. Initially, these diaphragm exercises should be done no more than three to four times a day, five to 10 minutes each time, but with practice they can be increased.

When performing breathing exercises for COPD, some caution may be required. For example, breathing exercises for COPD might cause dizziness. This is an indication of hyperventilation, a signal that breathing should be slowed. Of course, anyone with a serious medical condition like COPD should talk to a doctor about any treatment or exercise plan.

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