Capital rationing is important for maintaining a financially stable company by efficiently allocating resources. Prioritizing essential expenses and carefully selecting investments can generate greater wealth and a decent level of return. Continual reassessment and adjustment of the plan is necessary for success.
Assembling and following a viable capital rationing strategy is important to the process of maintaining a financially stable company. The idea behind rationing is to make sure that resources are allocated efficiently so that the company is positioned to get the most return for its efforts. Writing a viable capital rationing strategy involves understanding what resources are available for allocation, prioritizing the use of those resources, and limiting the number of active projects so that the best overall benefits are obtained from those projects.
When it comes to business budgets, capital rationing helps ensure that enough resources are allocated to each line item deemed essential to business operation. As part of the process, the company must determine which of those order lines are most important to the production of goods and services. For example, a company would consider the maintenance of basic services as a priority, since most companies cannot operate without some source of electricity and communications. In addition, it would also be important to purchase high-quality raw materials that result in the production of high-quality products to sell. These expenses would be considered more important than any expenses not directly involved in the production effort.
When capital rationing is applied to the investment opportunity selection process, this same general approach is used. Here, the investor will consider the amount of available funds available for new investment projects, with available funds being understood as money that the investor can afford to lose if the opportunity does not work out as expected. From there, the investor will consider different investments, prioritize them based on potential for success, and then allocate a portion of those available funds to secure a carefully selected number of investments. Care must be taken not to concentrate too much money on a single investment or even take on too many different investments, if the strategy is to generate a decent level of return.
In essence, the capital rationing process requires the development of a systematic and logical action plan on how to use the available resources to generate greater wealth. Only by understanding the resources that can be used in the plan, prioritizing expenses or opportunities to the best advantage, and then closely following the plan will the effort result in success. As with most approaches that involve careful allocation of resources, the capital rationing process requires continually reassessing circumstances and adjusting the plan to avoid losses and improve the chances of generating a decent level of return.
Smart Assets.