Anorexia hospitalization criteria vary by medical center and can be medical or psychological. Patients with severe conditions or compromised physical or mental stability may require hospitalization. Treatment may include medical and mental hospitalization, and patients should consult a GP or mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment options.
The criteria for hospitalization for anorexia can be medical or psychological in nature and can vary by medical center. Patients are normally expected to have severe or advanced forms of the condition where physical or mental stability is compromised. Psychological indications indicating the need for hospitalization include psychosis, suicide threats or attempts, or severe anxiety or depression. Medical reasons may include signs of hunger, heart problems, and other organ malfunctions.
Most patients who end up requiring hospitalization for anorexia have had this condition for a long time and have deteriorated in physical health or mental stability. If a patient is unwell in an outpatient treatment facility, hospitalization may be required for further care. Those with other mental health conditions, such as severe depression or psychosis, may also require hospitalization, as can those who are suicidal or have attempted suicide.
Physical problems can also lead to hospitalization for anorexia, including starvation and the related effects it has on the body. This can include heart and other organ failure, which can be fatal if left untreated. Patients can be given intravenous fluids and a high-fat liquid diet if they refuse to eat. The stomach has often shrunk by this point, so it must be slowly stretched to hold more food at once.
The exact criteria for hospitalization for anorexia will depend on the medical center. Some mental health hospitals will accept patients based on a doctor’s recommendation for treatment or simply based on the patient’s ability to pay. Government-funded centers generally have stricter guidelines because they are often understaffed and have several patients waiting to enter.
Many patients will require medical and mental hospitalization for anorexia, first to treat any medical issues and then to treat the underlying emotional and mental issues that often cause this eating disorder. This will vary for each individual, as there are a variety of factors that can contribute to anorexia. They can include mental illness, abuse, and other emotional trauma.
To get treatment, patients should start by consulting their GP or a qualified mental health professional. He or she can diagnose the condition and decide on the best course of action. Those who cannot afford a private hospital may need a referral to attend a government funded hospice hospital. If a patient is not in immediate danger of harming themselves, an outpatient treatment plan may be offered instead.