Dawson’s fingers, ovoid lesions radiating from the ventricles in the brain, are a distinctive radiological finding associated with multiple sclerosis. They aid in distinguishing between multiple sclerosis and other diseases that cause plaques in the brain and spinal cord. Misdiagnosis can be a risk, so doctors generate a list of characteristics and symptoms to definitively diagnose the patient.
Dawson’s fingers are a distinctive radiological finding in the brain associated with multiple sclerosis. These lesions radiate from the ventricles and can help diagnosticians distinguish between multiple sclerosis and other diseases that can cause plaques in the brain and spinal cord. Several conditions can cause similar symptoms, such as numbness, tingling, and loss of coordination, along with exam results that look similar. Key clinical signs can be important in correctly diagnosing the disease so that the patient receives the right treatment.
Several imaging techniques can be used to locate Dawson’s fingers, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On a scan, a series of ovoid lesions can be seen around the ventricles in the center of the brain. Images can be taken from above and from the side to provide a full perspective. Three-dimensional (3D) imaging allows for even more detailed images of the brain. The size of the lesions can vary, depending on how advanced the patient’s case of multiple sclerosis is, along with other factors.
These lesions develop due to inflammation in the brain. In patients with this condition, the immune system mistakenly identifies the body’s cells as foreign and begins to attack them. This has a profound effect on the myelin sheaths that insulate the nerves. When myelin becomes inflamed due to immune attacks, it breaks down and this interferes with nerve conduction. The inflammation can spread through the vasculature of the brain, causing lesions around the blood vessels.
Over time, a patient with multiple sclerosis can develop Dawson’s fingers, which extend from the ventricle all the way to the brain. More remote lesions known as Steiner splatters can also be seen on brain imaging. These signs, combined with symptoms and other findings made on imaging studies, can help with a multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Patients can discuss a variety of treatment options for the condition, including medications to suppress the immune system and physical therapy to maintain coordination.
A misdiagnosis can be a risk. Dawson’s fingers usually only occur in cases of multiple sclerosis, but not all patients with the disease have them, and they sometimes appear with other ailments. For this reason, doctors typically generate a list of characteristics and symptoms to definitively diagnose the patient. If there’s any doubt with Dawson’s fingers, further testing may be an option to explore other possible causes. This ensures that patients receive the right treatment from the outset, based on the correct diagnosis.