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Daycare Scheduling Software: What is it?


Daycare scheduling software programs help providers manage their tasks more efficiently. They can organize household information, track attendance, manage meals and birthdays, and maintain a safe environment. The software also includes an accounting function for billing and payments. These programs are beneficial for small and large daycare centers.

Daycare centers can be chaotic places, so many daycare providers look to computer programs to make their tasks easier. Daycare scheduling software programs have been developed to meet this growing need. These programs not only plan out the school year by arranging field trips, vacations, days of service, and so on, but are fast becoming a must-have for these fast-paced activities. There are daycare scheduling software programs with many features already built-in, as well as basic programs that can be customized by adding specific modules to meet your needs.

One function of daycare scheduling software is to organize customers’ household information into useful reports that enable owners to provide better service to their customers. Most programs are customizable to include reports that track a child’s attendance, student-to-teacher ratios, and login and logout times. Individual and group messages can be entered into a child’s “account” and delivered when a parent logs the child out. You can also keep track of birthdays, as well as roll call sheets and meal management lists.

A major concern of most daycare owners is maintaining a safe and healthy environment for their children. Some daycare scheduling software programs allow owners to track allergies and special medical instructions. Another optional feature is a door opening system that integrates security with the program. Some programs have the ability to store photographs of authorized children and adults.

Another function of a good daycare scheduling software program is an accounting function, which can also be integrated into some financial management software programs. This feature typically includes billing, which allows the owner to manage billing rates, discounts, charges, and payments. Owners can create customized invoices, deposit slips and year-end statements. The ability to receive payments electronically is another feature that simplifies the bookkeeping process for a busy landlord. For the landlord who takes care of his own payroll, some daycare scheduling software can create payroll checks, act as a clock, and analyze student-teacher relationships.

Even if your daycare is small or has multiple locations, a daycare scheduling software program can give you more time to care for the kids instead of dealing with administrative tasks.
