Deafness symptoms in kids?

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Symptoms of deafness in babies can appear by six months of age. About three in 1,000 babies are born with hearing loss, which can cause developmental delays and difficulty bonding. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for normal development and to prevent academic and emotional problems later in life.

Symptoms of deafness in babies usually begin to appear by six months of age. The age at which hearing loss symptoms appear in children can vary, however, depending on the severity of the child’s disability. About three in 1,000 babies are born with hearing loss, which can be mild, moderate, severe, or profound. Children with hearing loss generally don’t respond to sounds. They may fail to startle at sudden loud noises, or may not recognize familiar voices and often fail to learn their own names. Children with hearing impairments may experience developmental delays and may have trouble bonding emotionally with family members and peers.

Many parents of young children notice symptoms of deafness in the first few months of life. When hearing impairment is severe or profound, children often don’t respond to loud noises and may not wake up to the types of sounds that would disturb a hearing child’s sleep. Hearing-impaired children may not recognize or respond to familiar voices, even their own mother’s voice. Additional symptoms of deafness in children may include an inability to show curiosity about nearby sound sources or a lack of interest in toys that make sounds.

Babies with intact or only mildly impaired hearing usually begin stuttering, cooing, and producing other vocalizations from about six weeks of age. Symptoms of deafness in infants can include an inability to vocalize by six weeks to six months of age. Children who are not hearing impaired begin speaking relatively clearly in single words at age 15 months, and should begin speaking short sentences at age two. One of the main symptoms of deafness in children is the inability to develop speech and language skills at a normal rate.

Left undiagnosed, hearing impairment can significantly delay a child’s social, emotional, and cognitive development. Diagnosis and treatment of childhood hearing impairments in the early years of life is key to the normal development of hearing-impaired children. Babies who are diagnosed and treated before six months of age often experience little or no delay in developing language skills and fewer bonding issues with family members and peers. Children who receive early diagnosis and treatment are also less likely to experience academic setbacks and developmental delays as they get older. Infants and children who don’t receive early diagnosis and treatment for deafness symptoms may, however, experience significant language and other developmental delays, leading to behavioral, academic and emotional problems later in life.

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