Diabetes symptoms in men include vision problems, sexual dysfunction, frequent urination and thirst, weakened immune system, weight fluctuations, fatigue, and numbness in extremities. Retinopathy can cause blurry vision and blindness. Diabetes can reduce testosterone levels and cause erectile dysfunction. Men may also develop infections and sores, have difficulty healing, and experience burning or tingling sensations in hands and feet.
While both genders can suffer from a variety of symptoms, the signs of diabetes in men can be slightly different from those in women. Men are more frequently affected by vision problems when they have diabetes, and the condition can lead to sexual problems, including erectile dysfunction. They may tend to urinate frequently and are often very thirsty. The disease can have a negative effect on the immune system, making men prone to infections. Other problems men often experience include extreme weight fluctuations, fatigue, and numbness or burning sensations in the extremities.
One of the main signs of diabetes in men is eye problems. Some men develop a vision disorder known as retinopathy, in which blood vessels and eye tissue become damaged by the disease. Eye lenses can also become deformed due to fluid loss in the body. These problems can make vision blurry or blurry, and it can get progressively worse if the disease is not treated. In extreme cases, it can even lead to blindness.
Problems with sexual performance are another sign of diabetes in men. Diabetes can reduce testosterone levels, which can lead to a decrease in sex drive. Some diabetic men, especially those over the age of 50, may also be affected by erectile dysfunction.
There are often some signs of diabetes in men related to the effect of the disease on the kidneys and their ability to absorb and filter fluids. Men often feel the need to urinate frequently, especially at night. They can also become dehydrated easily which in turn leads to extreme feelings of thirst.
Diabetes can lower immune function and men with the disease can suffer a variety of problems from this. They may have a tendency to develop infections or sores, particularly on the skin, which can often come back. They are also often slower to heal than those who are not diabetic.
Several other symptoms can also indicate diabetes in men. Often the disease leads to excessive and unexplained weight gain, although in some men the opposite can occur and they can lose a significant amount of weight. The body’s inability to process glucose deprives cells of their energy source, leading to chronic fatigue. Blood vessels in the hands and feet can become damaged, affecting the nerves there; this can lead to burning, tingling, or numbness sensations.