Lord Byron kept a pet bear at Trinity College in 1805, as he was not allowed to bring a dog. He had a love for animals and also kept monkeys and peacocks as pets.
Lord Byron had a pet bear, according to people who knew the English poet. In 1805, Byron began attending Trinity College, where he was said to have kept a tame bear that followed him around in the same fashion as a pet dog. Accounts of Byron’s pet bear generally state that the aristocratic poet brought the animal to stay in his dormitory room in retaliation for not being allowed to bring a dog; the official rules did not expressly forbid pet bears. Byron was known to have had an avid interest in keeping animals as pets, including monkeys and peacocks, throughout his life.
Read more about Lord Byron:
Lord Byron’s daughter Augusta Ada worked with Charles Babbage on the creation of the first mechanical computer and is considered by many to be the first computer programmer.
Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein, was one of Byron’s neighbors and closest friends after he fled to Geneva from England following his divorce amid rumors of an affair with his half-sister.
Although English, Byron died at the age of 36 after joining Greece’s fight for independence from the Ottoman Empire.