Teachers must use various teaching methods to reach all students, who may have different learning styles and levels. Evaluation of students can be formal or informal, and teachers can use direct instruction, inquiry-based learning, cooperative learning, or information processing strategies. Using a variety of teaching methods can keep students engaged and help them learn faster.
As any good teacher knows, not all students learn the same way. Also, it is common for a class of students to be at various levels in a given subject. Teachers must use different teaching methods to effectively reach all students. A variety of teaching strategies, a knowledge of student achievement, and implementation of which strategies are best for particular students can help teachers know which teaching methods will be most effective for their classroom.
The first step in choosing a teaching method is to evaluate students. This assessment can be formal or informal. Formal assessments include standardized tests, tests from your textbook or curriculum, or teacher-created tests. These assessments can give you an idea of the prior education students have received and their academic standing. Students in your class may have followed various teaching methods and teaching qualities in previous years.
Informal education is, as the name suggests, much less formal. Good teachers know their students. If you’ve been teaching a particular group of students for some time, you probably already know a little about their interests, ability levels, and learning styles. If the student group is new to you, you can ask them, individually or as a group, about their academic interests and strengths. Depending on the age of the children, they may also be able to write about this topic or answer some form of questionnaire about their hobbies, interests, previous education, strengths and weaknesses. Students generally love to talk about themselves and get to know their teacher well, because it makes them feel special, as well as guiding you in choosing teaching methods.
After evaluating your students, you need to plan different teaching methods. Direct instruction is the most common form of education. This is the teaching method of the lessons. Many teachers use this teaching method almost exclusively, as it is considered the simplest and allows you to cover large amounts of material in a short period of time. However, this is not the most effective teaching method for reaching all students, especially younger ones, who often need a more engaging and hands-on strategy to learn effectively. Furthermore, it is difficult for teachers to tailor instruction to students at different levels.
Inquiry-based learning is a teaching method that is rapidly gaining popularity in the United States. Based on the scientific method, this teaching method can be used for virtually all subjects. Using inquiry-based learning takes a lot of time, energy, and planning, but is often very effective. Students practice problem solving and critical thinking skills to arrive at a conclusion. This teaching method is extremely student-centred and direct and can be modified for students of any level, reaching them where they are. Teachers will generally need to start by modeling the process for students.
Cooperative learning is another teaching method that is considered to be very effective when done correctly. With cooperative learning, students are placed in small groups to work together. They are usually not grouped by ability, but placed in a group with children at various levels. The students are then given tasks to do together. Teachers may need to monitor these groups closely, to make sure they are working and that all students are participating. This form of teaching also lends itself well to differentiation, because the teacher can assign specific tasks to children of different skill levels.
A more common teaching method is to teach information processing strategies. While it is often recommended that students truly understand teaching methods and not just memorize facts, there are some instances where memorizing facts is necessary. You may also need to group or organize facts and concepts to facilitate better understanding. Teachers can use various teaching methods to help students with memorization, or they can use graphic organizers, mind maps, story networks, or other ways to visually represent information.
There are many, many other teaching methods, but these are the most common. If the teacher finds the best teaching method for a particular group of students, students are likely to learn faster and be more engaged. Also, using a variety of teaching methods will keep children from getting bored and help them learn about information in new and exciting ways.