Direct democracy involves citizens making decisions directly through proposing laws, voting, and recalling officials. Indirect democracy uses elected officials to make decisions on behalf of citizens. Both require active citizen participation, but direct democracy works best in small communities while indirect democracy is more streamlined. Many nations use a blend of both systems.
The difference between direct and indirect democracy is quite simple. In a direct democracy, citizens make decisions directly by proposing laws or referendums on laws they don’t like, voting to determine who enters public office, and recalling public officials who don’t do their job. An indirect democracy, on the other hand, uses a small group of officials to make important decisions on behalf of their constituents. In both cases, the input of the people is the cornerstone of government, but government is run in different ways.
A classic example of direct democracy is the Town Meeting. Many New England towns continue to hold Town Meetings, annual events where any citizen who wishes can attend to vote on issues important to the community. At a town meeting, citizens could decide how to allocate funds in the community, or they could propose new laws to make the community run smoother.
A well-known example of indirect democracy is a parliament such as the US Senate. Members of a legislature are typically elected by constituents, although they may also be appointed, depending on how their government is run. These individuals are expected to make decisions on behalf of all citizens, but the voices of individual citizens are not part of the voting process, although citizens can testify at hearings about relevant laws and are encouraged to contact their representatives on matters of interest.
Both direct and indirect democracies have their place. A direct democracy works best in a small community with actively engaged citizens, making it ideal for something like a small New England town, but less suited to a large city. Indirect democracy creates a more streamlined and manageable process through experienced elected officials. However, it also relies on active and engaged citizens: for a direct democracy to work well, citizens need to be educated and interested, actively participating in voting and other events where their opinion is solicited.
Many nations try to create a blend of both types of democracy. For example, many US states have an initiative and referendum system, which is a form of direct democracy. These systems allow individual voters to submit issues to the ballot with the support of other voters’ signatures, creating a forum for people to talk about issues that affect them and actively shape their governments.
Basically, the difference between direct and indirect democracy can be seen in the names of these two different systems of democracy. Direct democracies require the direct participation of members of society, while indirect democracies rely on indirect participation. Both direct and indirect democracy must rely on checks and balances designed to ensure that no official oversteps their bounds.