The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that provides educational assistance to children with disabilities from birth to 21 years old. It ensures the right to Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and offers special education services, evaluations, and assistive technologies. IDEA covers 13 qualifying disabilities and helps prepare disabled children for future pursuits. In 2006, it provided assistance to over 6 million children.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law under the United States Department of Education that defines how state laws and government agencies can assist children with disabilities with their education. The law was ratified in 1990 and re-approved in 1997. In general, IDEA provides educational assistance to children who have experienced a disability from birth to the age of, at most, 21 years.
The purpose behind the Disability Education Act is to ensure that every citizen obtains the right to “Free and Appropriate Public Education” (FAPE). Disability should not prevent anyone from enjoying the right due to him. Depending on the situation, IDEA may also offer special education services, possibly in cases where transportation and mobility are not feasible. The act may also give parents additional privileges and responsibilities with greater ownership and protection for their disabled child.
Aside from the age limit, the Disabled Individuals Education Act includes 13 qualifying disabilities before accepting a child’s eligibility for care. Different disabilities include mental retardation, visual and hearing impairments, traumatic brain injuries, and severe emotional disturbances. These disabilities would need to show adverse or detrimental effects on a child’s learning ability before any assistance can be granted. IDEA’s forms of services and special education vary according to the needs of the disabled child.
The Disability Education Act can help a child as soon as signs of a possible disability emerge. A team of multidisciplinary doctors can carry out a free examination immediately. If a child is found to have a qualifying disability, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is created to meet her needs. At least every three years, the disabled child undergoes routine evaluations for follow-up. Changing locations or moving up a grade will also require a review of the child’s IEP.
Other services that IDEA can provide are speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. In special cases, changes to the curriculum and individual educational settings may also be made. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act can also provide certain assistive technologies (AT) such as text-to-speech and touch typing software, alternative communication devices, and even wheelchairs if needed. IDEA not only guarantees disabled children their rights to education, but also helps them prepare for future pursuits, such as employment, tertiary education and a life of independence. In 2006, IDEA provided educational assistance to over 6 million disabled children.