Marrying too young can lead to financial difficulties, limited career opportunities, and sacrificing personal goals. The divorce rate is higher among young couples, and individuals miss the opportunity to learn to live on their own. While some succeed, it’s important to consider the potential pitfalls before making such a significant decision.
There are many great marriages that started when people were very young, many of which span 60 or even 70 years. Some young people will make the marriage work and some won’t. In fact, statistically speaking, the divorce rate is higher among couples who got married too young. The rate drops when people get married in their 20s and 30s and then rises again when people get married after age 40. So perhaps one of the biggest disadvantages of people who marry too young is the divorce rate, which is around 50% or higher.
There are other problems with couples who got married too young, especially when they got married before having any definite plans for how to move forward in life. Financial difficulties are not improved by two people who still do not have reasonable means to support themselves. Given the high cost of living, it’s not always possible for two people to adequately earn the support they need and do things like plan great careers or stay in school.
Many people who married too young cite how difficult it is to plan two different careers at the same time. Even when people have similar goals, seeing them accomplished can mean making choices that put one person at a distance from another, and long-distance marriages aren’t easy to maintain. Often, one member of the couple has had to give up personal goals in order to see their spouse’s goals fulfilled. Even more in terms of granting and giving up dreams is necessary if couples have children, and two people in a sexual relationship risk it, even with birth control.
Marriage means that your considerations about what you would like to do now and in the long run must take into account another person, who may have very different ideas about what they would like to do. This can be limiting and mean that you have to compromise or give up doing some of the things you enjoy when they don’t make practical sense for the couple. While you are still an individual, a part of you must always consider that your life is made up of a team of two. While some couples who married too young have created successful teamwork, it is clear that many others have either failed miserably or had to sacrifice their needs for the good of the team.
Other people who married too young feel they missed the opportunity to learn to live on their own. When people move from one parent’s home to a new home with their spouse, they miss this step. It is also possible to predict how a person will change and grow once they pass their teenage years. 18-year-olds may have some character inclinations, but the thought that they’re fully formed and have all their ideas in place is pretty silly given the big changes that occur as people mature between the ages of 18 and 20. The way a person is now can change dramatically over the course of a few years, and these changes don’t always contribute to healthy marriages.
There are definitely some couples who got married too young and make it work, but it might be a good idea to talk to them about what they’ve given up on. There are just as many couples who have not had success in early marriages and may even have the insight that a person who marries young has not yet acquired. While there currently seems to be a push towards younger marriages, the high risk of divorce, the potential pitfalls of these early marriages, and the possibility that you may have to give up many of your personal goals, make it a matter of much consideration and reflection. significant .