To fight a fine for negligent driving, set a probation date, find the legal definition of the charge, get evidence, and consult a lawyer. Look for a court date on your ticket or set one. Analyze the police report and contact witnesses. Prepare questions for the officer and review any video evidence. Consider consulting a traffic lawyer for professional advice.
To fight a fine for negligent driving, you must first set a probation date. Then you need to find the legal definition for the charge against you. Get a copy of the police report, surveillance tape, and any other evidence that might help your case, and save the subpoenas issued for witnesses and prepare questions for the officer. It is also advisable to consult a lawyer.
Fighting a fine for careless driving means you’ll go to court. Look at your ticket to see if it contains a court date. If so, this will be your chance to dispute the charge. If no date is provided, you must take the necessary steps to get a trial date set. Instructions for doing this should be provided on the ticket.
Before you try to fight a fine for negligent driving, you need to understand the charge. Find the legal definition of careless driving and make sure you get the definition for the jurisdiction where your ticket was issued. Don’t rely on a general explanation because the strongest basis for your defense may be contained in the details.
The police officer who issued the ticket will need to prove that your actions match the elements of the crime. Obtain a copy of the police report regarding your accident and analyze the statements made by the officer. Make a note of any information that you believe is incorrect or has been omitted. If, for example, the officer claims you swerved into another lane but did not claim that a tree branch was in your lane, that’s a notable omission.
Contact any witnesses you feel can strengthen your case. If their recollection of the incident is really supportive, ask them to submit a subpoena. Don’t rely on individuals coming to court voluntarily, and don’t worry about whether or not they want to come.
Many patrol cars are equipped with video surveillance equipment. Find out if there is video coverage of your alleged negligent driving. If so, request a copy of the video and review it. If you believe the video proves your innocence, you’ll want to use it as proof. If you think it might be incriminating, don’t attempt to use it.
If the officer doesn’t show up in court, fighting your ticket will be much easier, as the case will likely be dropped. You must be prepared, however, for the possibility of the officer appearing. If there are any questions you plan to ask them, they should be well thought out and carefully prepared beforehand. You should also prepare cross-examination questions because there is a chance the officer will go to court.
You can take full responsibility for fighting your careless driving ticket and you may be successful. Realize that for best results, however, you should consult a traffic lawyer. Having a legal professional can be beneficial in many ways. In addition to having professional advice on what evidence you should or shouldn’t use, you will also have access to someone who is familiar with the traffic courts and local law enforcement tactics.