Dress code: what is it?

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Dress codes define appropriate attire for various settings, including workplaces, schools, and social events. They may specify what to wear or what not to wear, but modern codes often provide examples of appropriate dress to make it easier for guests to feel comfortable.

Dress codes are sets of regulations governing what is and is not appropriate dress for a particular setting or event. In years past, it was usually easy to convey a dress code noting that appropriate dress would be casual, business, semi-formal, formal, or black tie. Over the years, the relaxation of clothing options in various contexts has changed, often making it necessary to further define what type of clothing is considered appropriate for a given situation.

Many different settings require a specific dress code. One of the most common is in the workplace. Offices often establish a specific dress code to create a perception of professionalism. The idea is usually that if people have to dress a certain way, they’ll act more professional. It is not unusual for an office dress code to specifically require a certain length of skirt for women, a coat and tie for men, and sometimes even the range of colors that are considered appropriate for the workplace.

Schools also commonly have dress codes. Elementary and middle schools may require students to abide by a dress code as part of the campus policing process. While a school dress code was mostly about identifying various types of clothing that weren’t allowed in school, the trend today is to specify a simple shirt paired with pants or a skirt that serves as a uniform. This approach is thought to help minimize outward differences between children and thus remove at least one factor of elitism or class distinction by having all students wear essentially the same type of clothing.

Dress code for social events is often specified to avoid confusion as to what type of dress is appropriate for the event. The need to be more specific about the dress code for events such as weddings, charity dinners, and even social events that take place in a place of worship is far more common in modern times than it was in previous decades. Prior to the social change of the 1960s, all of these events required at least business attire and were often specified as requiring formal dress. Today, however, weddings can take place in settings where jeans, shorts, and even bathing suits may be more appropriate for the occasion. Even charity dinners are sometimes held in informal settings and therefore require casual dress. Many places of worship have also relaxed dress codes and may allow jeans or other types of casual wear at various social events.

Most modern dress codes are defined in terms of what is appropriate to wear to the event. To some extent, this is due to the fact that the previous designations of types of clothing are no longer as strict as they used to be. What would be considered formal to one person may seem semi-formal to someone else. Workwear today can include the subcategory of business-casual and include clothing that a few decades would never have been associated with an office environment. By including examples of the type of dress deemed appropriate for the occasion, the host assists guests in choosing dress options that respect the code and thus make it easier for everyone to feel comfortable in the setting.

Of course, there are still plenty of examples of dress codes that focus on what not to wear. This approach identifies elements that are not considered appropriate for the setup. The assumption is that by providing examples of what should not be worn to the event, guests will be able to choose the appropriate attire by a process of elimination. However, the constant change in fashion and design sometimes leaves the door open for options that the host would consider equally inappropriate, even if they aren’t addressed in the “not to wear” list. For this reason, many offices, churches and social events tend to provide dress code examples that identify the type of dress required rather than examples of what is not appropriate for the occasion.

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