Dry mouth and fatigue can be symptoms of certain diseases or side effects of medication. Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease that causes extreme dryness and fatigue. Treatment options include medication, adjusting dosages, and natural remedies. If symptoms persist, a doctor should be consulted.
Dry mouth and fatigue may be linked when accompanied by other symptoms related to certain diseases or when they occur as a side effect of a specific medication. Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) is an example of a disease known to cause both dry mouth and fatigue, along with dry eyes and dry airways. Many drugs used to treat other conditions also cause both symptoms, although not all patients experience them.
SS is an autoimmune disease that primarily affects women and is characterized by extreme dry mouth, dry eyes, dry airways, and dryness of other mucosal passages. Debilitating fatigue is also a frequent complaint. It is relatively common and affects more people than any other rheumatoid-related disease. Medications may be prescribed to relieve symptoms.
Some prescription drugs can also cause these symptoms and can include a wide variety of medications. Symptoms are usually mild and may lessen as the body adjusts to the new prescription. Dosages of the drug may also be changed if any of these symptoms, or others, become too severe.
There are various treatments available for dry mouth and fatigue. If caused by a disease, the first step is to treat the underlying disease. Sometimes symptoms are not fully relieved and additional therapies may be needed. Dry mouth can be treated using medications, while tiredness may also require medications or various vitamins or supplements that have been shown to boost energy levels. It may be necessary to adjust the dosages until the desired results are achieved.
Natural remedies for these symptoms have also proved helpful for many patients. Dry mouth can be improved by making sure plenty of fluids are consumed, sucking on hard candy or chewing gum, and avoiding foods that cause a dry mouth sensation, such as salty crackers or potato chips. Fatigue can be treated by staying hydrated, eating plenty of complex carbohydrates and proteins, exercising, and getting adequate sleep each night.
In most cases, these symptoms can be treated successfully, especially if they are caused by the use of medications. An alternative treatment method may be used, or if the medication is temporary, the symptoms should go away once the medication is stopped. If any of the symptoms are present with no known cause or if they become debilitating, a doctor should be notified to rule out any underlying conditions or to explore treatment options.