Certain foods, such as peppers and chocolate, have the potential to trigger the release of endorphins in the brain, which can be addictive. Endorphins are usually released in response to physical activity or injury, but certain foods can have a similar effect. Sugar in chocolate can also trigger the release of serotonin, which promotes calm and relieves stress. Exercise and acupuncture can also trigger the release of endorphins.
Endorphins and food are connected because certain foods may have the potential to trigger the release of endorphins in the brain. For the most part, the body produces endorphins, which are like a natural opiate, in response to physical activity and as a way to ease the pain of injuries. Certain foods, specifically peppers and other spicy substances along with chocolate, also have the potential to trigger a release of endorphins. Some experts think these foods can become addictive because endorphins are very similar to drugs in the way the body reacts to them.
One of the most common foods mentioned when experts talk about the connection between endorphins and food is capsicum. In theory, this is because peppers are painful to eat, especially very hot ones like jalapeños. When the body perceives this pain, it can react as if an actual injury is occurring, releasing endorphins to ease the pain and calm the mind. Other spicy foods can have the potential to trigger the same reaction, and some people can become somewhat addicted to the subtle change in mental state that occurs due to the endorphins released from eating these foods.
Another food that often comes up when experts discuss the connection between endorphins and food is chocolate. Some experts have even suggested that chocolate could be seen as a type of natural pain reliever because of these effects, even though they are thought to be quite subtle. There are also some other mood-oriented benefits to most chocolate-containing foods because they usually contain a lot of sugar as well. Many experts believe that sugar can trigger the human body to release serotonin, a chemical that has a slightly different but also powerful effect on mood, promotes calm, and relieves feelings of stress. Like hot peppers, chocolate is known to be slightly addictive for certain people.
Since endorphins are usually released in reaction to trauma, most things that trigger a release are related to injury or some form of physical stress, and the connection between endorphins and food is thought to be a significant but just smaller than the overall picture. For example, exercise is generally considered a very efficient way to trigger the release of endorphins because heavy training can be perceived by the body as a type of traumatic injury. Some people also believe that the pain caused by acupuncture could trigger endorphins and play an important role in the pain relief some people get from taking these treatments.