Endoscopy risks?

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Endoscopy is a non-surgical procedure that allows doctors to view the gastrointestinal tract, but there are risks such as bleeding, infection, and damage to soft tissue. The procedure can also cause physical reactions such as chest pain and irregular heartbeat, and there may be continued pain and difficulty swallowing after the procedure. Lower endoscopic procedures have similar risks.

Endoscopy is a procedure that allows a doctor to view the inside of an individual’s gastrointestinal tract, from the esophagus through the intestines. Even though it’s not a surgical procedure, there are still endoscopic risks, including bleeding and infection in the areas where the camera probes. The body may have a reaction during the procedure which includes an irregular heartbeat and chest pain. As the individual must refrain from eating or drinking up to eight hours before the procedure, there is also a risk of dehydration.

During upper endoscopy, a small camera and long tube are inserted into the individual’s mouth and then gently pushed through the digestive tract. One of the risks of endoscopy includes damage to the soft tissue of the esophagus, stomach, or intestines. In rare cases, there have been individuals whose gastrointestinal tract has been torn out by the camera. If this occurs, it generally requires surgery to fix. There is also the possibility that particles or saliva could enter the trachea and lungs of the individual next to the camera, causing difficulty breathing.

Even if it doesn’t tear them, the camera can still irritate the tissue it’s pushing. There may be superficial bleeding, which can cause blood to leak into the stomach; due to the nature of the gastrointestinal system, even superficial wounds can take time to heal. Associated with these wounds is the risk of infection. The infection can come from the camera or from damage caused by the camera.

Another of the potential risks of endoscopy is a physical reaction during the procedure. When the camera is inserted into the throat, the individual’s gag reflex must be overcome. As with any sedative, there is a possibility that the body may have an allergic reaction to the drug.

There is also the danger of the body demonstrating other involuntary responses to the procedure. Chest pains and an irregular heartbeat may develop. Even though the individual can still breathe, they may feel short of breath.

After the procedure, there are several rare but potential endoscopic risks. There may be continued chest and abdominal pain even after the camera is removed. The individual may have a rough, scratchy sensation in the throat and chest, which can cause difficulty or pain when swallowing. Any of these symptoms that develop after the procedure is complete may indicate a problem in the GI tract caused by the camera or tube during the procedure.

Similar potential endoscopic risks have been associated with lower endoscopic procedures. Bleeding and infection are among the most common, but even these are rare. Complications that develop after the procedure are also extremely rare.

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