Ethics in business communication involves applying ethical considerations to communication within and outside of an organization. This includes clear communication between management and employees, as well as ethical standards towards external entities. Deliberate misrepresentation is also a part of ethical considerations in business communication.
The role of ethics in business communication is how ethical considerations are applied to business communications. Ethics in corporate communication can be from management of the organization to employees, from employees to customers and suppliers, or between the organization as a whole and the outside. In this sense, corporate communication can be seen from internal communications within the company, or it can be seen from the point of view of the corporate entity and externally.
In general, organizations have methods of communicating with their employees or disseminating information to them. Communication within an organization can be structured in such a way that information can flow top-down through different channels, such as the HR department. Ethics in business communication implies that communication between management and employees must include the application of ethical standards when communicating. For example, management must be as clear as possible in how it treats its employees by communicating to them the reasons for certain actions and expectations. If the company has reported a large profit, for example, management must share the bonus equally among various employees or tell them why not.
The application of ethics in corporate communication gives employees a sense of belonging and encourages them to be more productive. The management of the organization must also clearly communicate to employees the kind of ethical standards they must exhibit towards external entities such as customers, suppliers and other classes of people who interact with the company. This includes the type of instruction that management has given to employees about how they should communicate with customers. Communication in this sense includes what they do and say, or fail to say or disclose to customers.
The use of ambiguous words or the deliberate misrepresentation of the true situation of events is part of ethics in business communication. Some companies frame their offers to customers in such a way that customers don’t realize that there are hidden catches in the offer. An example of this is a lender offering a very low interest rate on a mortgage without making it clear to the customer that interest rates will rise in the future or that repayment terms may be changed by the borrower. financial institution.