An eye coordination test measures the relationship between visual and physical responsiveness, which is crucial for motor skills such as writing, reading, and sports. Poor eye coordination may cause headaches, eye strain, and dizziness, but can be treated with vision therapy, medication, and wearing sunglasses. Regular sporting activity can improve coordination, and measuring eye coordination can help gauge improvements in dexterity over time.
An eye coordination test, also known as a hand-eye coordination test, provides a look at the relationship between visual and physical responsiveness. An eye coordination test falls into the broader category of coordination tests, tests that focus on the ability to move and control two different parts of the body harmoniously. Eye coordination is a rudimentary motor skill that begins to develop from birth and for correct vision the eyes must work in harmony. Each eye sees a slightly different image, and the images are blended together in the brain to create a coherent image. The hands respond to these visual cues to perform various tasks such as writing, reading, or catching a ball.
Eye coordination develops through practice. Individuals with poor eye muscle control may have poor eye coordination and may show obvious signs that a problem exists. Typical signs of eye coordination problems include headaches, eye strain, and dizziness. Children with underdeveloped eye coordination may avoid tasks that rely on this skill, including reading assignments or homework that involve intense eye focus.
Typically, an optometrist will perform an eye coordination test on a young child during a scheduled visit. The test will usually be administered as part of a comprehensive visual exam that examines your child’s ability to see at a distance, to focus with the eyes, and their clarity of vision. Those with poor eye coordination often suffer from other eye conditions such as cross eye, a condition in which the eyes are misaligned. Usually, poor eye coordination is treatable once the underlying eye condition has resolved. While improper development of eye muscle control is the cause of the problem, it is usually treated successfully with vision therapy, medications, and wearing sunglasses.
Good hand-eye coordination is also helpful in sports. A baseball player’s hands, for example, must be able to react quickly to a ball that he can see coming towards his face at high speed. Eye coordination tests that evaluate sports performance are often given by sports coaches as part of a physical assessment. One such test that can be done is to have the athlete stand facing a wall, throwing and catching a ball. During the test, the athlete can only use one hand at a time and with each catch or throw the ball is passed from hand to hand.
Regular sporting activity will naturally help improve coordination. Periodically measuring and recording the results of an eye coordination test can help gauge improvements in dexterity over time or indicate that further development is needed. Reaction times, the speed with which a response to a visual stimulus is made, can also be combined with an eye coordination test to more accurately measure athletic performance.