Facial tics: what are they?

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Facial tics are sudden muscle spasms that can occur in both children and adults. They can be caused by neurological disorders or be idiopathic. Tics can cause psychological damage, and treatment may be necessary for severe or persistent cases. Diagnosis and treatment should be done by a specialist.

Facial tics are sudden spasms of the muscles that control the mouth, eyes, nose, or cheeks. Tics are prevalent with many larger neurological disorders, such as Tourette’s syndrome, although they can also occur in the absence of a clear neurological trigger. Sporadic facial tics are much more common in children than in adults, and most people simply stop having them in their teens or early adulthood. Treatment is usually not necessary, although severe or persistent problems may require daily medication.

A person can experience facial tics for a variety of reasons. Doctors usually consider the condition idiopathic when there is no neurological problem, meaning the cause is unknown. Some medical research studies suggest that nutritional deficiencies and genetics may play an important role in the development of idiopathic tics. It is well documented that tics are likely to become more frequent and noticeable in stressful and anxiety-inducing situations.

The main finding of facial tic studies is that the twitching cannot be predicted or controlled by the patient. A person may experience frequent bouts of mouth twitching or blinking on one or both sides of the face. Some tics seem to affect many muscles in the face at once, causing a person to wince and squint.

Tics usually don’t cause physical pain, but the constant twitching can cause psychological damage in children or adults. A person can become aware of their condition, which can have a significant impact on social interaction and self-esteem. Indeed, the anxiety produced by worry about facial tics can lead to an increase in the frequency of the spasms, perpetuating both the physical symptoms and the mental anguish.

A child experiencing facial tics should be examined by a pediatric neurological specialist to check for any underlying problems. Your doctor may administer MRI tests to look for lesions or other physical abnormalities in your brain. An EEG may be done to screen for seizure disorders. Treatment or symptom management strategies may be considered after the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis.

Idiopathic facial tics usually don’t require medical attention. A doctor may be able to provide stress management tips and encourage parents to explain to their child that the condition is not dangerous and almost certainly temporary. Muscle relaxant drugs may be prescribed to help children who suffer from frequent and disabling tics. Patients showing signs of neurological problems may need to be placed on antipsychotic or antiepileptic drug regimens.

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