Hot air balloon prices vary based on size, brand, equipment needed, and fuel costs. Insurance is also required. Pilots need a license, with commercial licenses being more expensive. Used balloons are recommended for new pilots.
The balloon itself, the equipment needed, and the fuel are factors that influence balloon prices. Hot air balloons vary greatly in price, depending on size. Balloon pilots also need fuel for each flight, which varies in amount depending on how long the balloon will be in the air. On top of all this, balloon enthusiasts cannot fly without a license, the price of which depends on the type of license needed.
Like car prices, hot air balloon prices vary depending on the size and brand of the hot air balloon. They typically cost as much if not more than a car, plus they need insurance. In general, insurance must be maintained on the balloon whether or not it is flown, although the exact laws differ by region. If ballooning is a popular hob in the pilot’s country, he may be able to find a used balloon for much less money than a new one. Used balloons are generally recommended for new pilots because they are likely to damage a balloon on their first few trips.
However, hot air balloon prices include more than the price of a hot air balloon. The pilots need an inflation fan to get the balloon flying, as well as burners and a basket. Some of these items are included in the purchase of a balloon, also known as an envelope, while others must be purchased separately. Exact items sold separately are largely dependent on the seller. For example, if a balloon pilot is buying from a private seller, he could get all the items needed to fly a balloon.
Fuel is a must when flying in a hot air balloon and can greatly affect balloon prices. Balloon fuel is usually calculated per hour in the air. The price of fuel in the area can cause balloon rides to be double the international average price.
All balloon pilots need a license and must choose between private or private and commercial. Private licenses allow the pilot to fly alone in a balloon, without the presence of other people. Commercial licenses allow the pilot to have other people on the balloon, but are usually much more expensive than the private license. The largest hot air balloons can hold more than a dozen people, so obtaining a commercial license can significantly change a person’s hot air ballooning experience. To obtain a commercial license, a balloon pilot must first purchase and train for a private license.