Monetary policy involves government or central bank decisions to influence the economy by controlling money availability and credit costs. There are three main areas: controlling money in circulation, using interest rates, and influencing exchange rates. The effectiveness of monetary policy is debated, with some advocating for fiscal policy. However, there are practical limitations, such as conflicting goals of low inflation and low interest rates, and the ability to control exchange rates. Interest rate controls also vary in effectiveness.
Monetary policy involves decisions made by a government or central bank to attempt to influence the economy by influencing the availability of money and the cost of credit. There is an ongoing debate about the inherent effectiveness of monetary policy and its fundamental limitations. There are also practical issues that affect the effectiveness of monetary policy, such as the interaction with other currencies and the nature of the banking sector in the country concerned.
There are three main areas of monetary policy. The first is controlling the amount of money in circulation, whether it is literal money printing or more technical measures such as quantitative easing, which involves creating money in the form of credit. The second measure is using interest rates to influence what people and businesses pay to borrow or receive for savings, which can affect their spending and investment levels. The third measure is attempting to influence the exchange rate between domestic and foreign currencies, which may involve fixing or limiting exchange rates or buying and selling currency to influence the market rate. Measures such as government spending and taxation fall into the separate category of fiscal policy.
The basic question of the effectiveness of monetary policy versus fiscal policy is one of the biggest debates in economics. Most economic views can be roughly divided into the pro-fiscal watchdog position advocated by economists like John Maynard Keynes and the pro-monetary watchdog position of economists like Milton Friedman. As a very gross simplification, monetarists believe that monetary policy is inherently effective and its role is to allow markets to be as free as possible. Keynesians believe that business cycles can cause bottlenecks in free markets, which means that fiscal policy is often needed to “boost” the economy. Such debates often have a political element based on people’s views of the role of government in society.
Another inherent limitation to the effectiveness of monetary policy is that two of its main goals can be contradictory. Monetarists often seek to keep both inflation and interest rates low and under control. The problem is that low interest rates mean homeowners pay less on their mortgages and have more cash, which can contribute to rising inflation.
There are also specific practical factors affecting the effectiveness of monetary policy. The ability of governments or banks to control exchange rates depends on economic and political arrangements. For example, individual countries that all use the euro have limited monetary policy powers over its exchange rate. Meanwhile, attempting to influence the exchange rate by buying or selling currency may depend on the financial strength of the government or bank, along with that of other countries and even large individual and corporate traders.
The effectiveness of interest rate controls also varies. In most free-market and capitalist economies, the government or central bank does not directly control the interest rates that banks charge customers. Instead, the government or central bank determines the rate commercial banks pay to borrow overnight to accommodate changes in cash flow caused by deposit and loan levels that vary from day to day. In theory, this rate is a major cost to commercial banks and influences the rates they must charge on loans to maintain profits. In practice, the rates charged to customers can largely depend on the competitiveness of the banking market.